Story Outline of Nightmare Moon in the TARDIS · 7:46am Sep 1st, 2023
I remembered there was something named "the children of Nightmare" mentioned in the time war, and I got an idea for a story about nightmare moon being a survivor of the great time war.
This is story concept based on that idea.
The Nightmare was that entity. It ran away from the center of the time war and landed on Equestria.
Nightmare, just like most doctor who’s villains, was an entity incapable of feeling some emotion that humans and ponies could, such as empathy, love, etc.
Nightmare took over Luna's body, fought against Celestia, and got rainbow laser on the face.
But the element not only banished them to the moon, it also harmonized them too.
The mental barrier between the two minds collapsed, and a new being was born. Not quite the Nightmare or Luna but also both at the same time.
A brain made from the symbiotic relationship of the otherworldly creature and night princess, capable of comprehension of concepts beyond the pony's brain and capable of emotions and the way of thinking that only meaty creatures such as humans and ponies could experience.
This new creature would adopt the name that led to her birth, one that contained both of her roots, Nightmare Moon,
Now it's time for her adventure! Maybe there was a broken tardis on the moon? Maybe the doctor suddenly appeared? Maybe she served her sentence and ran away immediately upon return to Equestria to the edge of the world and found a tardis in her journey.
I imagined her character to be a not-coward version of Discord whoove. Knowledgeable and brave, but not as kind-hearted as the doctor and willing to kill. Her Luna side would sometimes force her to protect the weak but she would be ruthless and pragmatic about it.
Give her a companion or two too.
This is my list of Nightmare Moon’s TARDIS crews
1. Pre-returned starswirl - the ruthless hero of ancient equestria who was also a great scientist. He is always overly serious and gets flustered at any kind of joke. He is the most bloodthirsty of the group as he always goes for ‘neutralize the threat’ first.
2. Midnight Sparkle - The clone of Twilight was born from dark magic, created by Chrysalis, and would have died at the hand of the tree of harmony if not for Nightmare Moon's intervention. Her artificial body didn't need biological needs like normal ponies but it also imposed limits on her. Such as her magic spells repository. She was an inexperienced but resourceful mage who relied mainly on magic tools to cast her spells. She always made Starswirl’s eyes twitch with her modern magic theories.
3. Iron Will - Highly intelligent scammer who looked like mindless brute at first glance. His acting skills could fool the cyberponies that he was one of them. He’s a good man at heart and always has a problem with the ways this group does things. He’s meek and fearful without his fake scammer facade and always begs Trixie to confront them.
4. Trixie Lunamoon - She played the role of the straight man in this group. Making sure the group stuck with good values and morality. She couldn’t care less about a random ponies but that doesn’t mean she’s okay with her companion trampling on random strangers. She shot down any borderline psychopath ideas that Starswirl came up with while holding the sociopathic tendency that a couple of members of this group seem to have at bay. She is a great engineer and came up with gadgets that help in adventures and magic tools that mitigate Midnight's spellcasting limitations. Trixies and Nightmare Moon is one of two ponies who can do proper repair on the tardis.
5. Nightmare Moon - Her life as a Nightmare was a constant struggle for survival, be it in Gallifrey or Equestria. Her life as the princess was spent serving other's needs. Now she's free to do as she wishes and all of the stars are hers to experience. She will live freely and do whatever she wants! She values freedom so much that she lets her beloved crews get away with pretty much everything, to Trixie’s dismay.