• Member Since 31st May, 2012
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More Blog Posts71

  • 10 weeks
    Upcoming Chapter Ideas Wanted

    A future chapter will cover what Luna did over the summer while Inova was in Canterlot. What I'm looking for are basic ideas of places Luna went and the shenanigans/hijinks/tomfoolery that may have happened there. Feel free to submit as many ideas as you want.

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    0 comments · 79 views
  • 31 weeks
    My Excuses for the Delay

    I haven't posted any new chapters for a bit because of the following excuses:

    -Planet Crafter ($24 well spent)
    -Other writing projects (mainly this one)
    -Meme browsing
    -Building a Lamborghini
    -General laziness
    -Writing other things for Royal Fillies
    -More Planet Crafter

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    3 comments · 118 views
  • 43 weeks
    EQG Side Story

    Twilight and her friends have counterparts in EQG. So do Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. I don't know of any others off the top of my head, but that's not important right now. Point is, counterparts, and the question is this: what's Inova's counterpart like?

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    3 comments · 160 views
  • 51 weeks
    Next Chapter Teaser

    It's taken a bit to come up with material, but the next chapter is in the works and sitting around 2k words. Like the previous chapter, it will take place over a school year.

    Also, when I started the redux, I asked for ideas and suggestions. I got two events and a character. I figured out how to incorporate all three of those into one event, and it's been fun to write.

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    1 comments · 144 views
  • 57 weeks
    What do you think?

    The next chapter involves cutie marks. Who and how many, I will not say. I also have ideas for other events that can happen in the same timeframe, so my question is this: do you want cutie marks only or cutie marks with other events between them?

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Work in Progress · 7:08am Jul 22nd, 2023

The next chapter of The Royal Fillies REDUX has hit a bit of a delay. This is due to the need to expand upon several things in it that are basically a list with eight paragraph size entries that need to be expanded upon. I was once satisfied with the way they were, but not now.

So, in conclusion, it may be a little while before the chapter comes out. It's just a matter of when.

Report blazikenking · 93 views · Story: The Royal Fillies REDUX ·
Comments ( 2 )

Take all the time you need. I really liked the first story for how it handled the isekai situation so any new content, before or after the cancellation point, is great!

5738928 Your kind words fill me with happiness and motivation. Thank you.

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