• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
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Highlord Langslock

If the darkness grows so deep that we cannot see the light, then we shall rise up and BECOME the light!

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    What If He Wasn’t a Cliche?

    Recently I've been thinking about how history's most infamous "waifu thief" Flash Sentry more likeable in the eyes of the fandom. I sincerely doubt that anything could have made them welcome the guy who stole their perfect purple pony princess from Her Royal Majesty Sunbutt with open arms and a twenty-one gun salute that wasn't aimed at his head, but there must have been some way to curb the

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What If He Wasn’t a Cliche? · 8:48am Jul 9th, 2023

Recently I've been thinking about how history's most infamous "waifu thief" Flash Sentry more likeable in the eyes of the fandom. I sincerely doubt that anything could have made them welcome the guy who stole their perfect purple pony princess from Her Royal Majesty Sunbutt with open arms and a twenty-one gun salute that wasn't aimed at his head, but there must have been some way to curb the almost visceral hatred everyone had for his pretty face. After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that the best option would have been to make him something other than a rocker boy. One of the complaints people had about the first "Equestria Girls" movie was that it was written as a by-the-numbers made-for-tv disney high-school movie, and you can't get much more formulatic than a tall, handsome guitarist hooking up with the main character by the end. Personally, I like rocker boy Flash, but I think fans would have been much more forgiving if he had been portrayed as nerd like Twilight or something. They could have easily written him like that without altering his personality, insomuch as he had one. This is all my personal opinion of course, what's yours?

Report Highlord Langslock · 193 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

The first film being longer and allowing for a little more character development would've helped him immensely.

Exactly. Dude dumped Sunset Shimmer, so he's got to have a solid core in him. They should have teased that aspect out more in the first movie.

Considering how his pony counterpart is a royal guard, maybe some aspects of that could have been used for Human Flash. He’s still a rocker, but when someone bullies in his vicinity, he gets hella serious. Sunset could make the mistake of being mean to someone while he’s around and Flash drops his usual nice attitude to tell her to back off. And Sunset actually complies but not without her usual old-self attitude about it. Twilight questions him about it and he admits that he used to date Sunset. Originally she learned it from Applejack, but this time, Flash himself tells her.

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