• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen February 6th

Highlord Langslock

If the darkness grows so deep that we cannot see the light, then we shall rise up and BECOME the light!


Applejack’s day is ruined when a stallion with an abnormal number of legs appears and makes a shocking request of her. One that could severely compromise her sense of morality. Unfortunately, refusing it will not be as simple as she would like it to be.

Applejack will have to use everything she knows, plus a few new tricks as well, if she wants to survive in a fight with the iciest pony she has ever known.

Side story in my Harmony and Valor series. Cover art still pending. Editing done by The Fan Without a Face.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer's ex-boyfriend, Flash Sentry, approaches her one day with a request; he wants to raise money for a bunch of people who lost their homes in a fire, and he would like the Rainbooms' to help him organize a fundraiser. Naturally, Sunset agrees.

However, things become a lot more complicated than either of them could have expected. In-between preparations for games, activities, a bake sale and a live concert, they have to deal with family drama, old rivalries and grudges, a new rogue magic user, and even a kidnapping.

Throughout all of this, as Sunset spends more time with Flash, she realizes that certain feelings are being stirred up. Feelings that she had once simply faked, but are now very real.

But does Flash feel the same way?

Looking for editor.

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry is having a very bad day. His band has quit on him, he gets roped into helping with things that take way longer than he can afford, the people he helps tend to kick him in the knee, he keeps running into people he'd rather not see for the rest of his life, and his mother is a pain in his ass. Oh, and his food keeps getting ruined.

With all of these problems and more raining down on him, it is understandable that he would get a bit ticked off. Thankfully, there is some good news. No matter how bad a day may get, eventually, it ends, and tomorrow will be a brand new day. Who knows? It could actually end up being the best day ever.

Rating will change with the second chapter.

Chapters (1)

After the girls suffer the effects of some spiked drinks, Twilight reveals a surprising fact about the human world's equine species—basically, they don't get drunk like humans do. Of course, this raises the question of whether or not the same holds true for Equestrian ponies.

The answer is a bit surprising.

Side story in my Harmony and Valor series. Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

The people of Equestria and Gaia may have a lot in common with each other, but when one world is populated by ponies that possess the gift of magic while the other has bipedal creatures that don’t, there are bound to be some differences.

They will have different traditions, different values, different beliefs, and different celebrations.

Of course, harmony and friendship is all about embracing the things that make people unique, and if there is going to be harmony between these two very different worlds, it is important for everyone to understand these differences.

Fortunately, there are a couple of girls who are very eager to learn.

A collection of short stories that take place in the same setting as my Harmony and Valor series, but are not part of its official canon.

Edited by GirlOfManyFandoms.

Chapters (4)

After all of the adventures they have been through thanks to the presence of magic in their lives, the Rainbooms are more than ready for some much needed R&R, especially with Canterlot City’s 200th Anniversary fast approaching. In the midst of a week of games and special events leading up to the big day, Fluttershy hopes to raise awareness of the needs of rescue animals, Applejack plans to promote her family business, and Pinkie Pie and Rarity are both asked by the influential descendant of their beloved city’s founder to help prepare a big final event set to take place at their own school! Sunset Shimmer, meanwhile, is eager to continue her research on how Equestrian magic operates in the human world alongside her newest friend, the human Twilight Sparkle. Nothing, not even the antics of an abrasive student who resents everything the Rainbooms stand for, can ruin their mood.

Unfortunately the fun and games must be put on hold when they discover a dark figure who wields a new kind of magic that is more dangerous than anything they've faced before. When they call in Princess Twilight Sparkle to help investigate, she reveals that it may in fact simply be the tip of a much greater threat. The Rainbooms will need to pull out all of the stops in order to defeat this new menace. But can even the Magic of Friendship conquer a force created specifically to counter it, or will a new magic be needed to overcome the power of pure rage and destruction?

Edited by GirlOfManyFandoms.

Cover art by PaulySentry.

Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

Four years ago, Shining Armor’s parents died in a horrific car accident, leaving him and his wife to take care of his little sister, Twilight Sparkle. There isn’t a thing that he wouldn’t do for her, yet there are times when it feels like there isn’t anything he can do for her. To him, the time she spent under his care has been nothing but a long string of him letting her down.

All things considered, it is understandable that she wouldn’t want to spend a day reserved for celebrating one’s parents with him.

After all, he is not Twilight’s father, and she’s not his daughter, right?

An official entry in my Harmony and Valor series.

Cover art by the talented PaulySentry.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Featured on Fimfiction somewhere between June 15 and June 16.

Now has its own TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

Ponies are silly.

Stories about ponies are silly.

This is a collection of silly, nonsensical stories that only took me a few minutes to write for each of them with no mind for quality beyond being silly. Some take place in the Equestria Girls universe.

Chapters (13)

After so many years, Sunset Shimmer is finally ready to return to Equestria. At long last, she will be able to reconnect with the land she was born in and feel the magic flow through her body once more. Most of all, she’s ready to face the mentor she betrayed, to apologize for everything and beg for her forgiveness.

Princess Celestia is eager to see her old prodigal student as well. Finally, she will have the chance to forgive her and reaffirm her love for her. What’s more, she will finally be able to give Sunset Shimmer what she has earned for herself and fulfill all the dreams she had since she was a filly.

At least, that’s how it was supposed to go.

Cover art by Bluse

Chapters (2)

On her first day at Canterlot High, the Twilight Sparkle of the human world learns that it wasn't just her new friends who mistook her for her royal Equestrian counterpart. Realizing that what had seemed like a harmless brush-off to her may have in fact broken the heart of nice-guy Flash Sentry, Twilight becomes determined to make it up to him. What better way to do that than to set him up on a date with the girl of his dreams-or at least, a close proximity to her?

It's a crazy plan to be sure, but it just might be crazy enough to work. Best of all, it's completely risk free. After all, there's no way either of them could develop feelings for each other, right?

Featured on Fimfiction on November 5th.

Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)