The Owl House Finale · 2:38am Apr 9th, 2023
Just finished watching the final episode of The Owl House. There was so much good stuff here, far more than I am able to talk about right now. So instead, I will reveal the one thing that was a disappointment for me:
I really, really, REAAALLLLLY wish Luz's human\titan hybred form had been permanent, or at least left her with the ability to perform magic without having to use Stringbean as a crutch.
Awww man, I spoilers. (Why do I always see things so late.) But that does sound like a bummer that she can't do magic in the end on her own. I hope the finale really is that good.
Loved the finale. You were actually the one that convinced me to watch the show in the first place, so thanks a ton.
That finale was phenomenal!
Only a couple of disappointments:
We didn’t get to see anymore on Caleb, Evelyn or Phillip’s history. I know we could piece most of it together from the clues throughout the show, but actually see it would have been good.
The Bat Queen’s origin and former owner.
What became of Kikimora?
Other than that, it was a fantastic episode. It’s sad that it had to come to an abrupt end, but at least we got to experience it.
Hopefully, there will be more MLP/TOH stories here in the near future.