Back on Track · 7:31pm Apr 23rd, 2023
Honorary Crusader chapter 9 is well in the works!
I've found a method that works for me and keeps me on track with writing once more. Instead of creating strict timelines each day which I need to follow, I instead created a deadline for the end of each day in which I need to have a certain word count done. For some reason going from "write between 2-4pm" to "just have a product done before midnight of the following day" works for me. Why? I don't know! But it helped me secure my college degree several years after I essentially dropped out so I believe it'll help here too.
The next chapter will be relatively short and is currently sitting in at around ~2k words. My current writing goal each day is 250 words (very small I know) but that's mainly for the fact that I may be participating in the EqG Spring Fling contest with a deadline fast approaching. Considering I have very little knowledge of EqG and haven't seen several of the movies and specials... It's safe to say I have a lot on my plate currently so I believe 250 words a day for my main long story is generous. After that I'm going to expand to 500 words and work from there until I find a comfortable range to target each day with the exception of taking one day off a week.
Anywho~ expect the next chapter by the end of this week! Thanks for remaining patient and being understanding!