• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


What's better than one cake? Two cakes!

More Blog Posts11

  • 18 weeks
    Lessons Learned, Moving Forward, Story Updates and Cancellations

    Not sure if anyone reads these—hello if you do—I have a few things I'd like to get off my chest. Fair warning: this is mostly a rant and, to a lesser extent, an update for moving forward.

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  • 48 weeks
    Name Change: Calypso -> Aklinstar

    Undergoing a username change. Sorry for any confusion.

    0 comments · 120 views
  • 57 weeks
    Jinglemas 2023

    Hey guys, I'm participating in this year's Jinglemas. Enrollment has started and is ending on the 25th this month. For more details check out: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/213263/jinglemas/thread/481574/

    I hope y'all give it look at the very least!

    0 comments · 116 views
  • 81 weeks
    Story Review: To Perytonia by Cloudy Skies

    Hello! Welcome to the start of my romance recommendation series; a very sporadic one that will not appear in feed boxes very often, rest assured! I must confess that these posts are primarily for my own benefit; scandalous, I know. I want to improve my own writing skills, and making these reviews should hopefully serve to aid in that to some degree but I suppose we shall see.

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    4 comments · 232 views
  • 85 weeks
    Back on Track

    Honorary Crusader chapter 9 is well in the works!

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Honorary Crusader Hiatus Update · 3:43am Mar 15th, 2023

Just leaving an update here for those who may be curious by "Honorary Crusader" seemingly indefinite hiatus. Rest assured, it's not dead. It will make a come back.

The way I work and have always worked no matter what hobby is in chunks. It's rare that I stick to one thing for longer than a couple months before taking a break and doing other things. The issue I have is that if I have multiple interests vying for my attention I will struggle in whichever one I choose to partake in for the day as I will find myself distracted by thoughts of 'I could be doing X instead' which is frustrating. What that often leads to is me having to axe several interests and almost completely ignore them for a time so that I can focus on whatever I'm currently doing, which is what is happening now. It's not a heathy way to do things, I imagine anyway but it's the way I've been doing things.

I struggle making schedules and when I do it feels like work when I follow them which takes out the fun out of writing for me, which is not what I want. Until I can find method where I can be consistent with my writing and continue to enjoy it while also taking on other interests at the same time and not feel overwhelmed or constantly feeling I could be doing something else the story will remain on a hiatus for a bit longer.

My itch to write again has been steadily growing the past couple months and I do have an outline of the next chapter and I still have an idea of how the story will end and what leads up to it. What is likely to happen is that when I do return the story will receive a chunk of chapters for a couple months before I take yet another break.

Anyway, sorry if this is not quite what y'all want to hear but I don't want to suddenly throw in a chapter for the story six months after the last out of the blue without having some mention of what is happening before then and then dip back into the shadows. I want to finish this story up and work on others but it's going to be a slow ride there unless something changes.

Report Aklinstar · 130 views · Story: Honorary Crusader · #Hiatus
Comments ( 1 )

Ah yes, perhaps we may actually see Scootaloo dunk a bowling bowl on Discord after all! :rainbowlaugh:

Take your time, man! I look forward to seeing more of the story play out. :scootangel:

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