• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )

More Blog Posts282

  • 6 weeks
    Anyway hi

    Been eight weeks since I logged in. Real life, etc., etc. It's been not good but also not anything all'y'all need to worry about.

    Anyway, see you in, uh, hopefully less than eight weeks next time?

    Sock out.

    5 comments · 106 views
  • 18 weeks
    Amazing story

    When the chaplain and a damage control officer get the Medal of Honor, and twenty others get Navy Crosses, you know shit got real. I've been waiting for this episode to drop, and it doesn't disappoint:

    Unauthorized History of the Pacific War: USS Franklin

    2 comments · 70 views
  • 19 weeks
    A blessed thing

    Oh my Cthulhu. What did we do that we deserved two excellent animated movies in one year? I previously praised Inside Out 2; however, I think The Wild Robot was even better.

    I'm not going to try to summarize. Just — wooooowwwww. The acting? Sharp. The writing? Pitch perfect. The art? Astounding. It looks like paintings, not CGI.

    2 comments · 87 views
  • 21 weeks
    The Apparent end of G5

    Lots of discussion on various Discord servers about Hasbro pulling the plug on G5.

    The hill I will die on:

    • The Netflix movie was AMAZINGLY good
    • The shows started well but deteriorated quickly
    10 comments · 295 views

Alas, it is not race week · 9:14am Apr 16th, 2023

Sadly, this week's Chinese Grand Prix was cancelled this year, so it'll be two weeks before Formula 1 is back at Azerbaijan.

The Shanghai International Circuit is a very fun track to drive on the computer, with a combination of complex, twisty corners and the longest laser-straight back stretch on the calendar, it requires careful car setup to get optimum performance. I find myself feathering the gas and brakes simultaneously, one foot on each pedal, through the turns 1-2-3-4 complex, right at the limit of my (very small) skills. A shame to miss the race this year.

Well, Azerbaijan in two weeks should be a trip and a half. It's a narrow, technical street circuit with a fast back straight, and they're doing a modified schedule with a Saturday sprint race.

Looking forward to it!

Comments ( 4 )

Honestly I actually wonder why you haven't done a racing based fic before on here.

Yea but the NHRA 4 wide nationals are on this weekend, so there is racing to watch! :pinkiehappy:

Huh. I suppose they do!

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