• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 23rd

Gamma Deekay

More Blog Posts339

  • 86 weeks
    Some unfortunate news.

    Howdy there, everyone. It's been a while since I've given you all an update, and for that, I'm sorry. I wish I could say that things have been going well recently, and that I've got a new chapter for you all. However, I haven't really felt like writing. Unfortunately, my Father passed away unexpectedly recently, and between dealing with sorting his affairs, my family, and my own feelings,

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    6 comments · 427 views
  • 96 weeks
    Ten Years.

    Howdy there, everyone!

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  • 107 weeks
    A long time coming! (Chapter 122 of Long Haul is out!)

    Howdy there, everypony! It's been quite the content drought here, but after rewriting the whole chapter three times, and various other reworks and cuts, the next chapter of Night's story is finally out! I know I say this every few chapters, but this one has some things I've been waiting to get into the story for literal years. Needless to say, with this chapter finally getting done, I'm

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  • 109 weeks
    Happy 2023!

    Howdy all, and happy new year! Just thought I'd leave a quick update here on the first Friday of the year! No new chapter today due to some emergency holiday shenanigan's that took up quite a bit of my time and a week of being sick. However, the chapter IS almost done, so it'll be out maybe next week, or the week after at the latest! Hoping that this year I can keep the writing train rolling,

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  • 116 weeks
    Howdy out there

    Howdy there, it's been a while. Figured it was about time for an update, and while I don't have a chapter for you all today, I can report that I'm feeling better than I was. The weather has once again turned back to the cold and rain that the pacific northwest is reliable for, and the long break I've had has left me mostly refreshed. The writing has been slow, but I'm getting back to it more

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Ten Years. · 8:12pm Apr 7th, 2023

Howdy there, everyone!

No new chapter today unfortunately, but it's once again the time of year for me to mark the anniversary of starting this journey on Fimfiction! I know that it's been an entire decade of blowing up colorful horses in a wacky wasteland setting, but it sure hasn't felt like it. Despite my slowdown of content, I'm still happy looking back on what I've accomplished so far, and to be honest, I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed it as well.

Now, since I don't have anything Long Haul to post up today, I would like to point out that I'm hardly the only one to have taken this journey, and it's been far too long since I've mentioned others who's story's deserve more love.

In a welcomed turn of events, only a short while ago Fair Play who writes Fo:E - Allegiances has stated that he'll be continuing work on his fantastic fic! If you're looking for a fun wasteland adventure, I can't recommend it enough! I know I'm looking forward to seeing new chapters put up in the future!

And while Fair Play has come back from a bit of an absence, my next recommended author has never stopped putting out Fo:E stuff. I know that Dice Warwick's fictions tend to be on the darker and more realistic side of wasteland fiction, but there's a certain kind of draw to a story where anything can happen to the cast. And of course, He's written a whole collection of stories and keeps on writing! So why not give one of them a shot?

Anyway, again I have to apologize for not putting out a chapter lately. I know it's been a good while, but every time I've tried to get stuff down I just don't like what I get put down on the page. Hopefully I'll have a breakthrough soon, but of course you'll all know by virtue of me actually getting something posted! So, as always stay tuned for future posts about new chapters. And as always, thanks' for reading!

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Strength to you.

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