A long time coming! (Chapter 122 of Long Haul is out!) · 6:53pm Jan 20th, 2023
Howdy there, everypony! It's been quite the content drought here, but after rewriting the whole chapter three times, and various other reworks and cuts, the next chapter of Night's story is finally out! I know I say this every few chapters, but this one has some things I've been waiting to get into the story for literal years. Needless to say, with this chapter finally getting done, I'm pressing right on to the next. Not saying it'll be ready to go right away, but I'm going to make sure it's not another six months before it's out.
So, for now, enjoy the new chapter, and feel free to leave me your thoughts on it! And I know I sound like a broken record when I say this, but thank you all for continuing to stick around. Knowing that you all still care has been something that's really kept me going on this story, even when depression and unfortunate life circumstances make me feel like I should just give up. I'll see you all right back here next time for when I have another chapter ready to go for you all to enjoy.
Oh excellent. Thank you. Will need to wait a week to get in my Kobo as my work pc even blocks writing to external devices.
Awesome! Between work and home projects, it may take me a bit to read the new chapter.