Howdy out there · 9:18pm Nov 12th, 2022
Howdy there, it's been a while. Figured it was about time for an update, and while I don't have a chapter for you all today, I can report that I'm feeling better than I was. The weather has once again turned back to the cold and rain that the pacific northwest is reliable for, and the long break I've had has left me mostly refreshed. The writing has been slow, but I'm getting back to it more reliably now, so that's at least some progress. So, maybe not this month with all the craziness that thanksgiving is going to bring, but I might be able to swing an update out by christmas! I know you all have been waiting like half a year for me to pick things back up, but hang in there! The story isn't over, and I'm not abandoning it! Just keep an eye out here in the future, cause an update is in fact coming!
Oh excellent. Thanks for the update.