So…Change Of Plans · 8:57pm Mar 21st, 2023
So my G5 defense series that was supposed to be 5 videos is now planned to be an over 3-hour long supercut, so I can defend all of Generation 5 in one video. It’ll be broken up into chapters like the Snyder Cut, so there’s that at least. I made this decision as I want to focus the remaining four videos on more specific aspects of G5 that make it great. That means more time working on it!! Oh joy…(I’ll still try and have it out by June, but no promises). I have character analyses lined up for specific standout characters that I think have a lot of emotional depth to them (Yes, Misty is included) and demonstrate specific strengths of the writing. You know me, I’m a writer at heart as you’ve seen, so it is only my natural instinct to really get in there and focus in on the details.
As for The Fall of Opaline, well I can safely say that we’re officially out of the one-shots era of my stories now. This story is currently lined up at 8 chapters and I still have the epilogue to go!! All I will say is expect a heart-wrenching twist involving Sunny Starscout at the end. I was literally crying while writing it and it’s one of the bleakest endings I’ve ever written!! At least the epilogue might offer a ray of hope going into Redeemed, which is currently planned to be 4 chapters. The reason why both are so long is because there’s a lot of moving pieces in each.
Anyways, that’s all for your healthy dose of Admiral Producer Wasting All His Followers’ Time With Pointless Updates Rather Than Just Delivering Results Season 1. See you all soon!!
The smartest decision, honestly.
Glad progress with the stories is going well! Can't wait to read said stories :)
Thank you so much! I hope you get to enjoy them as much as I did writing them (well, when writer’s block wasn’t being a total pain in the flank. It’s been HOW many months since the last entry?!!). I’m simply relieved you all still remember the Saga at this point, and I really hope it delivers on all of your expectations.
Good to see another G5 defense video is coming out soon
Oh the second part won’t be coming out for a good while, unfortunately. I’m focusing all my attention on Part 1 and I haven’t even scripted Part 2 yet. The good news is that after the first video gets released, the others won’t take anywhere near as much time to make.
Against All the evil that Netflix can conjure
All the wickedness that g4 fanboys can produce
We are sending onto them only you
Defend g5 until it is done..
After reading the extended version of Forgiven and the last part of Can I Go, Mom?, I'm really anxious to see what's to come for Sunny. She certainly wasn't in a good headspace the last time we saw her.
I won’t spoil anything plot wise, but let’s just say…Sunny’s depression reaches a breaking point in The Fall of Opaline and not in a good way. That’s all I will say at the moment. Considering I already mentioned the story will have a bleak ending, feel free to theorize as to what that could mean if you want. Redeemed shall be the culmination of both Misty and Sunny’s arcs throughout the Saga.
I certainly will, thank you.