Jinglemas 2022 is Underway...But you can STILL Participate! · 1:57am Dec 10th, 2022
Hey! YOU! Yeah, you! I see you over there, all sad, 'cause you missed the deadline for Jinglemas this year.
Well, buck up, my friend, for I have great news! You, yes YOU, can still be part of this celebration!
"Me? How can that happen?" I hear you asking. It's quite simple: By being a Breezie®!
Here's the description:
What is a Breezie?
A Breezie is a Jinglemas participant whose job is to not only complete their requested story, but will have themselves available to complete additional stories for participants who 'drop the ball' and don't complete theirs. They will need to be available from December 14th to December 23rd to help complete stories and make Jinglemas a roaring success! If you write a story, I, Shakespearicles, do hereby give you my personal, World's Strongest Writer™ guarantee, that you absolutely will receive your requested story in return!
Here is the Original Announcement, and here are the FAQs!
Now, go get started!