• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


"My age is as a lusty Winter, Frosty but Kindly..." --- William Shakespeare

More Blog Posts17

  • 8 weeks
    My cat died yesterday.

    I was never a cat person. I always had dogs, specifically German Shepherds growing up. My Mom couldn't stand cats, so I never had one as a child.

    But...a little furball walked into my house several years ago, without so much as a by-your-leave! The little monster walked in as if he owned the place, looked around for a comfortable spot, and went straight to sleep!

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    3 comments · 37 views
  • 112 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022 is Underway...But you can STILL Participate!

    Hey! YOU! Yeah, you! I see you over there, all sad, 'cause you missed the deadline for Jinglemas this year.


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    0 comments · 171 views
  • 175 weeks
    One of my Favorite new songs!

    It gets better every time I watch it!

    0 comments · 178 views
  • 306 weeks
    Happy Birthday to Me!

    I've been on this blue rock for over half a century now.

    Still don't know where all the time went!

    2 comments · 352 views
  • 306 weeks
    Happy Birthday to Me!

    I've been on this blue rock for over half a century now.

    Still don't know where all the time went!

    3 comments · 332 views

Jinglemas 2022 is Underway...But you can STILL Participate! · 1:57am Dec 10th, 2022

Hey! YOU! Yeah, you! I see you over there, all sad, 'cause you missed the deadline for Jinglemas this year.


Well, buck up, my friend, for I have great news! You, yes YOU, can still be part of this celebration!

"Me? How can that happen?" I hear you asking. It's quite simple: By being a Breezie®!

Here's the description:

What is a Breezie?
A Breezie is a Jinglemas participant whose job is to not only complete their requested story, but will have themselves available to complete additional stories for participants who 'drop the ball' and don't complete theirs. They will need to be available from December 14th to December 23rd to help complete stories and make Jinglemas a roaring success! If you write a story, I, Shakespearicles, do hereby give you my personal, World's Strongest Writer™ guarantee, that you absolutely will receive your requested story in return!

Here is the Original Announcement, and here are the FAQs!

Now, go get started!

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