• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 minutes ago


just a dude with minor autism trying to get through this little thing called life

More Blog Posts50

  • 2 weeks
    Made a New Group: Spikelestia

    You know I just realized that there never was a group dedicated to Spike x Celestia. Welp, time to fix that:

    Spikelestia - Fimfiction

    1 comments · 66 views
  • 3 weeks

    Just came across this kickass looking video and I felt like I had to share it:

    1 comments · 54 views
  • 6 weeks
    Five World of Darkness Games We Will (Probably) Never See

    Came across this interesting video about WoD games that'll probably never happen but would be neat if it did. Have a watch, share your opinions, and what other games do you want to suggest:

    1 comments · 38 views
  • 43 weeks

    So, after a bit of thinking, I made a slight change to Days of Ruin's title so readers wouldn't get confused between this story and the other Ladies of Darkness story.

    1 comments · 198 views
  • 43 weeks
    Vampire or Werewolf

    Which do you prefer?

    15 comments · 176 views

Wheel of Smooches #5 · 10:26pm Oct 29th, 2022

Wheel of Smooches!!!

Alrighty, it’s that time again for Phantom and I ‘s story, Isle of She-Beasts

First wheel determines, which Poor Unfortunate Soul is going to get kissed.

And the second wheel tells us WHERE are they going to be kissed.

And then we flip a coin, like Two-Face.

Without further ado. SPIN THE WHEELS!

  1. Who To Kiss?
  2. Where To Kiss?

Girls who have been smooched

  1. Twilight Sparkle ON THE MOUTH!
  3. Loona or Bea on the mouth? (Up for debate)
  4. Fleur on the ear, cheek, or nose? (Up for debate)
  5. N/A
Report Mechazilla88 · 125 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I got Starlight Glimmer and it’s on the cheek!

I got Fleur on the mouth.

For #6.

I got Applejack on the ear.

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