• Member Since 10th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2013

Meulin Leijon

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Found 1 stories in 16ms

Total Words: 3,595
Estimated Reading: 14 minutes


Her world destroyed, her family and friends taken without quarter. They ate at her soul with a viciousness until she had no tears left. The rage and revenge she carried out became legend. And even through that rage and hatred she had a hope for the future.

Her mission accomplished as she lay under the bedrock for eons, the lives she took and the hatred she held in her heart stay, nipping at her dreams and nightmares. Chewing at her beaten and bloody soul.

However, the world changed, and with her new freedom, she finds hope again in this new, brighter land.

And hopefully she will learn, that no matter how much life will pull and tear, rip and shred, no matter who or what tries, no matter what magic or technology is at the hands of the enemy-

A soul can't be cut.

Chapters (1)