• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2023

Distaff Pope

An experienced writer of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm.


That She-Ra Fanfic is Published · 11:48pm Sep 29th, 2020

Chapter one and the prologue are out. Chapter two is written. Chapter three is being written. If you want to see Catra be She-ra and a much more emotionally damaged She-ra at that, maybe click the link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Distaff_Pope/works

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Non pony fanfics · 6:31am Jul 23rd, 2020

So, despite saying I wanted to write original work, I realized I still love writing fanfiction. I'm also pretty solidly out of pony fanfics beyond an unsettled itch to get back into Sweetie Belle's head. Luckily, other shows exist with other damaged girls with undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder. What I'm saying is, I'm dabbling with a She-ra fanfic where Catara becomes She-ra and was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading that and where I could post it.

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Adapted Out · 5:28am Jan 9th, 2019

Ok, so by now, I think I've gone through enough stories to talk about things from the source material that aren't going to be a factor. Most of the reasons why they're omitted should be kind of obvious, but I want to run through them anyway. Note: I love all the things I'm about to talk about, and it hurts me to not include them, but they're not best for this story. I'm just explaining my reasoning why.

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"Marked for Evil" is now "We Killed the Dinosaurs" · 8:23pm Jan 8th, 2019

Just a quick PSA. I've changed the title for my current story because Marked for Evil just seemed so angsty. We Killed the Dinosaurs seems less so, in contrast, and I think speaks to the heart of the work more. I'm also debating changing cover art to show the meteor hitting earth and dinosaurs looking on moments before their doom, but I want feedback on that first.

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A Little Rewrite · 8:10pm Dec 20th, 2018

So, someone pointed out to me yesterday that they had some issues with the magic camera. The first being how easily Sunset rolled with it once she got photographed, and also how convenient the camera was. In light of that, I rewrote a bit of chapter three and a good bit chapter four. So you don't all have to reread the chapters to see the changes, I'm posting the major changes here. The first is in chapter three where Sunset gets the mystery box, I wanted to show there was something naturally

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Add-aptation · 11:52pm Dec 19th, 2018

Alright, so I want to make sure there was time for people to read the latest Marked for Evil, because it's a big one, and I don't want to spoil the twist to the classic scene I made. If you haven't read it yet, go read it. Spoilers after page break.

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Other Writing Projects · 8:28pm Dec 12th, 2018

So, for people who care to look, it's no secret I left fanfiction after finishing my Epic of Sweetie Belle to try and write original fiction that I can share with people without feeling a twinge of shame/maybe monetize. I got a quarter of the way through two stories and am currently working on a third.

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Adapting to Change · 4:11am Dec 9th, 2018

So, chapter three of Marked for Evil just got published, and this is the first chapter where I really made a big change from the movie or musical. In fact, I made two. I'll talk about the Canterlot trip in the blog post for next chapter, and right now, I kind of have imagined three blog posts to go with chapters three, four, and five talking about what I changed when adapting, what I added, and what I got rid of. So, let's talk about change. Also, we'll be spoiling chapter three and also

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Marked for Evil Inspirations · 10:41pm Dec 2nd, 2018

Hi, everyone,

I'm writing this to go along with chapter two of Marked For Evil, and I thought instead of just saying "Chapter Two's out, read it now," I could talk about why I'm writing this beyond the obvious fact I really like both the film and musical version of Heathers.

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Holy shit! · 5:49am Nov 26th, 2018

You know how I said I was writing a story and then would surface once every two months to say I totally was working on it or had this idea for a teaser? Yeah, I finally published the first chapter, and it's none of the stories I said I was working on (although it is based a little on the first story I wanted to write in that it stars human Sunset and Starlight, just instead of Sunset being the queen anarchist, she's J.D. in what I will guarantee is the finest MLP/Heathers crossover fic on this

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