• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Amateur fanfic writer and reader. Sometimes I get dreams, dreams of ponies, and wish that someone would write a story based off them. So why not me?


Prompt #7 · 10:52pm Sep 7th, 2021

Prompt for today: *Awakening*

I wish to see how you handle unleashing a characters potential, write a scene in which a protagonist/antagonist taps into the height of their power, this can be done in any way that makes sense for the narrative, all that matters is that the character reaches their peak(at whatever point in the story you place them) in the scene, however I will include bonus objectives if you wanna try them.

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Report TheMessenger · 207 views ·

Prompt #6 · 4:26am Jul 17th, 2021

Prompt for today: *Long way from where we started*

Write a scene with your protagonist at the end of a significant story arc in which they have grown considerably, include them displaying their power or skills in some way and have them reminisce on what they were like at the beginning, pointing out the flaws they've ironed out as well as things they can still improve upon, this can be with a mentor, an ally, or both.

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Report TheMessenger · 173 views ·

Prompt #5 · 8:10pm Mar 24th, 2021


Character B bleeding heavily while Character A tries to staunch the blood but Character B is more concerned about the fact that stoic Character A is sobbing and panicking

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Report TheMessenger · 184 views ·

Prompt #4 (Teen rating for innuendo and death; Trigger Warning for drink spiking) · 7:56am Jan 1st, 2021

Prompt #4:

Write a scene in which your character is being hit on at the bar on New Years Eve.

Any length. No word limit. Be sure to finish it.

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Report TheMessenger · 168 views ·

Writing prompt #3 · 6:20pm Dec 24th, 2020


Today we are doing something different. I will b posting questions for you to answer about your character. This is to help learn about your character and understand who they are at their core.

This can be for any character (feel free to do more than one character) and have fun with this
1. What is their favorite color?
2. What is their biggest pet peeve?
3. What are they afraid of? Do they have any phobias?
4. What is their favorite food?

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Report TheMessenger · 176 views ·

Mini-writing prompts · 5:11pm Dec 22nd, 2020

Prompt 2:

Choose one of the following action prompts to write a scene around:

1. Holding your breath, and hoping that nobody finds you.

2. Help from the most unlikely source.

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Report TheMessenger · 143 views ·

Mini-writing prompts 1/2 · 5:09pm Dec 22nd, 2020

So one of the Discord servers I’m in has been running writing prompts, and I did a couple. I’ll be posting them here in my blog, and perhaps this will become a regular thing.

Prompt 1:

Write a scene with a character that shows their thought process on the following topics:
-an enemy
-a significant event
-a love
-a past injury

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Report TheMessenger · 88 views ·

Some non-writing self promotion + mini update · 12:45am Sep 27th, 2020

So now that my local game store has canceled events due to the virus, I’ve been running D&D games online for a few people, including an old pony reaction video maker I was a fan of when she had been active.

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Report TheMessenger · 88 views ·

Working on stuff · 6:35pm Sep 30th, 2019

Hey all!

So I’m back in the saddle, working on what’s looking to be a pretty big project. To minimize burnout, I’ve been writing in small intervals, at a minimum of 500 words a day. As such, it could be some time before I’m ready to publish as I’d like to have everything ready to avoid disappointing anyone with cancellations.

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Report TheMessenger · 183 views ·

Story Promotion: My Little Punnies · 9:07pm Jan 11th, 2019

For all you pun-enthusiasts/masochists out there, you might enjoy AstroMouse’s latest anthology, My Little Punnies, with just as much of the debatably clever wordplay you know and love with around ninety seven point two percent less pretentiousness.

Report TheMessenger · 357 views ·