After years of having just one submission, I can finally say that it's about time to submit another one. By mean submit I meant slipt the first story by arc. Before I had little knowledge on how to build up a story. I thought I could cram it into one submission as a saga. But seeing as it wouldn't get much view in a later chapter I just decided to spit it. (Also months ago I just noticed
Now that the side project is finished it's time to continue the rest of Pizza pie lore. Based on the only published work, there isn't much change in reading or feedback. Knowingly it was several years ago since I made a new chapter (which is my fault for not having the time). I might as well just publish a new arc. Because revoking it wouldn't solve it.
It took me longer than I expected but after all the corrections and clip test, I can finally say that Death Battle Aftermath 2 is ready.
The hardest part of the video is done and moving on with the intro and aftermath. Trying to publish it before the end of the month even with this time management going on. For now, enjoy the short prologue.