
My Adventures with Pony Tales, pt. 1 · 6:46am Apr 27th, 2014

So, if anyone wonders why updates on my stories have been sluggish these past few weeks... well, that's just how I roll sometimes, but THIS time there's a semi-decent reason for that. I've been working on setting up a roleplaying campaign using the Pony Tales tabletop system, and we just started with our first session. The players have given their permission to release a log of our sessions, so feel free to sit back and read about five people (including myself) meddling with forces beyond their

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Report CrowMagnon · 291 views ·

Happy Ace Attorney Day, everypony! · 3:00pm Oct 24th, 2013

Let us raise our voices in song to celebrate!

And if possible, take some time to catch up on Turnabout Storm before the finale is released.

Report CrowMagnon · 238 views ·

Good Stuff This Week · 5:00pm Oct 21st, 2013

Especially for the Ace Attorney fans among us, as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies is coming out this Thursday, with the highly anticipated conclusion of NeoArtemis's Phoenix Wright/Friendship is Magic crossover, Turnabout Storm, coming out the following day! I don't know about you guys, but my productivity that weekend is going to be virtually nothing as I plan to be soaking in the

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Report CrowMagnon · 219 views ·

More artsy, less fartsy! · 5:29pm Oct 13th, 2013

Hey, everyone, I've got some more art to share! Two more from the sweet and talented BakaChibitalia, and a one-two punch from Jitterbug Jive, artist of Ask Discord Whooves and Lovestruck Derpy.

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Report CrowMagnon · 329 views ·

But is it art? · 6:44pm Aug 25th, 2013

YES! Yes it is! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks to Bakachibitalia, creator of the Ask Berry Sweet blog, there exist drawings of the Eclipseverse version of the Mane 6. I think she did a great job, and I'm very grateful to her for taking on the commission.

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Report CrowMagnon · 766 views ·

Layton vs. Wright! It's official! · 10:58pm Aug 18th, 2013

After waiting for so long, living off hope and rumor, there's finally a teaser trailer for a localization of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright! Let the puzzles and courtroom hamminess commence!

Report CrowMagnon · 276 views ·

Should I remove the 'Dark' tags from my stories? · 3:20am Jul 16th, 2013

I ask because I put the Dark tag on a couple of my fics, but all things considered I don't know if they really qualify, and I'm afraid I might be turning off readers who would otherwise enjoy them. On the other hand, there are some themes in play that could qualify, and I want to be honest and upfront with the tone that readers can expect.

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Report CrowMagnon · 255 views ·

Rock Music, Anime & Video Games · 10:45pm Jun 2nd, 2013

-Are the devil! Nah, not really, but as long as I've got your attention...

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Sweetie Honey cover page & minor edits · 11:10pm Apr 13th, 2013

Hey, just wanted to let those of you who might have already read Warrior of Love, Sweetie Honey! (and possibly some of you who may not have) that it recently got a ridiculously good cover page added to it, as well as some subtle changes made toward the end of the chapter. Nothing huge, I just made some tweaks to make the main character's identity a bit more ambiguous.

Report CrowMagnon · 223 views ·

New Story: Sweetie Honey · 5:14am Apr 3rd, 2013

Just wanted to say to everyone who's been following Snowblind, my apologies for taking so long with the new chapter. I got bitten hard by the inspiration bug a few weeks ago, and had to get it out of my system before returning to the main story. But hard work paid off, and I just submitted the opening chapter to a fic fusing a dystopian near-future Manehattan with the genre-defining Go Nagai classic, Cutie Honey.

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Report CrowMagnon · 229 views ·