• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 20th, 2018


"Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?" - Kurt Vonnegut


Come join me to play Draw My Thing tonight! · 4:37am Jul 3rd, 2013

The title says it all. For those not familiar with it, it's a free online game (you don't have to DL anything, except for making an account) where you draw crap, and people have to type in what it is.

'Tis a boatload of fun, and I'm only gonna play an hour or two of it tonight.

Here's linky linky, and don't drinky drinky (Srsly, drinking's bad. Your liver hates you for it xD):

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THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS (i.e. gaming consoles) · 12:01am Jun 20th, 2013


Good news: The whining will finally all end and there isn't going to be new forms of DRM.

Bad news: All the cool digital features of the DRM are dead as dirt due to both the gaming audience and Microsoft

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Thoughts on Equestria Girls · 5:27am Jun 9th, 2013

Well, recently (even though it's way, way, WAY old news) I told my semi-brony friends about EG, and apparantly they didn't know.

First, they were butt-hurt. Then they didn't really care. It was a separate canon, so why should it matter?

And the conversation really reminded me of a Saberspark satirical video he had uploaded:

Wasn't really intending on bringing back the old arguments. Just wanted to share the funny vid.

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Happy Time? Happy Time... · 12:53am Jun 5th, 2013

School's over. AP tests are over. SATs are over.

No time to be depressed!

Except for him...

It's PAHWTY TAHM! And for me, WRAHTING TAHM. I finally have time to write, so expect some new crap...

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An eventful night [Insert sarcasm here] · 6:35am May 20th, 2013

Well, it's the day before one of my two Calculus finals (I know... TWO... for a SINGLE year of Calculus), and instead of just panicking and cramming, I am instead panicking, cramming, AND listening to this on Youtube Repeat:

Ever since I saw the movie, I had this stuck in my head.... and it's been a month since I watched the movie.

I'm gonna do so well on that final(s)!

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Can you guys help me out with something? · 2:00am Apr 21st, 2013

I'm not sure whether it's because of the raging teenage hormones, or the fact that I'm in one hell of a depressing place to grow up in, but I think I may have chronic depression...

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New Story!... Well... A collab.... An assist.... FINE! I only helped on a single chapter, but $%#@ it I wrote something! · 4:35am Apr 7th, 2013

Have you guys happened to hear of an author called Daily Show Ponies?

He's a pretty awesome dude... chick... Damn it I never got to ask him/her...

So ANYWAY, he/ her dedicated an entire account to creating "Equestrian Interviews" Crossovers about Ponies being... well, interviewed by Jon Stewart.

Anyway, I had the absolute joy, pleasure, and luck to being chosen to place my OC into one of the interviews.

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Thoughts on Double Rainboom · 7:18pm Apr 1st, 2013

Ok, it was a joke... It's April Foals Day... Come on... Don't give me that look.

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8888 story views.... Aww, you guys make me feel so special! · 4:06am Apr 1st, 2013

Thank you guys SO much for this. Normally I would have to write clop to get this many viewers and watches this fast...

You guys ever read my attempts at clop? Good. Let's keep it that way....

I know I haven't posted that much, but I promise you that I'm keeping busy with writing. I swear I am!

Ok, maybe I've been preoccupied...

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A blog post of me ranting. Don't click if you don't want to read me ragin... or be politically offended · 5:50am Mar 31st, 2013

If you clicked on this... run. You've been warned.

First, I would like to say that if you are one of those people that put up stands of Obama with a Hitler mustache and start handing out flyers telling others to impeach Obama, or something along those lines (calling him a communist, etc)

Fuck you.

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