• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 20th, 2018


"Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?" - Kurt Vonnegut


Quite a miserable Sunday isn't it? · 7:16pm Oct 21st, 2012

I was going to do something really important. Then I forgot what I was going to do.

I still don't remember. Maybe I'm just freaking out. Happens to me everyday.

[Insert heavy sigh here]

I gotta say that writer's block isn't fun. Turns out that I completely screwed myself into a deep, dark corner in writing MLB.

Damn. Oh well. This pic that a friend sent me cheered me up:

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Taking a break · 3:46am Oct 17th, 2012

Hey guys. I've been getting a LOT more gray hairs lately (I'm in my adolescence, so I must be advanced aging! Heh, I have not idea why I'm so excited about this, since I should probably be really depressed that I pissed away my glory years. PLACE CAPS LOCK COMMENT HERE) so I've been certain that it was the all-nighters, the workload, writing stories, volunteering for college stuff, the workload, the work, and the load of work. Have I mentioned I have a lot on my plate lately, and I've noticed a

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Funniest moment of my life (currently) · 9:07pm Oct 14th, 2012

So this week, I had to present a poster of a famous figure in the development of American education, and this one part that I sadly didn't get was Daniel Webster.

And yes. THE Daniel Webster. AKA Mister Dictionary.

My friend got it, who coincidentally sat next to me and coincidentally was a non-brony. (le sad. I'm the only brony in my classes.)

So I told him, as the symbolic representation, to print a picture of Sweetie Belle and stick it on my poster.

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DS crossover is up! · 7:20am Oct 8th, 2012

Hey guys! My new story is up, if you wanna read it!

But other than that, I got a pretty good idea what to write about in MLB and Dead Space ViL, so get ready for some updates!

Do you guys want to hear about my trip to LA/Koreatown? Well since I technically can't hear your answer, here I go!

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Is it just me? OR is this a really boring saturday? · 5:11am Oct 7th, 2012

Is it just me or is today really boring?

Nopony's updating their stories up on FIM Fiction, at least for stories that I have on my faves. Can you guys direct me to some good stories to pass the time?

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Need help for title!!! Please help! · 1:50am Sep 26th, 2012

Hey guys! The story "My Little Behemoth" is starting to lose its writing spark for me, as some/most of you are getting a little disappointed with where its heading, so I'm gonna start on a new story.

Now, I'm not taking a break from MLB. Just so I can plan ahead when I'm done with it!

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GRRRRRRR...I need to get my shit together! · 3:36am Sep 24th, 2012

i keep on trying to write....but I'm constantly bothered by updates from other stories!!!

FIM Fiction, stop letting people make good stories!

But, don't take me srsly on that.


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Man....A LOT of douchers on this site. · 12:18am Sep 21st, 2012

Hey guys. Has a certain number (round 2-3) of people on this site ever act like complete assholes to you and/or your story?

I'm starting to get a little discouraged from writing now....

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Did I just.....Was I just featured? 0_0 · 5:59am Sep 20th, 2012

Saw the feature box. Saw my story, "My Little Behemoth".

Oh Celestia, I think my heart just stopped.

[falls to the floor clutching chest]

So......worth it.

[insert embarrassing death rattle here]

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OMG! Thanks guys for the support! · 12:50am Sep 5th, 2012

I've never expected so many likes for "My Little Behemoth"! I'll try my best to serve you all an honest-to-Celestia show stopper!

I promise that or my name isn't Kishin (And it is)!

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