• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2018


There are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong.


MLP Marathon Bonanza S7 E1-3 · 6:36pm Dec 2nd, 2017

All right, it’s the last season until I get to The Movie. I’ve been hearing good things about this season, so I’m quite excited. In fact, I’m even more excited because I’ve just seen Trixie in the Netflix screenshot for the first two episodes. This season is starting off good.

Celestial Advice

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MLP Marathon Bonanza - Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree · 11:06pm Dec 1st, 2017

Well, season 6 was pretty fucking great all things considered. That finale alone made me really happy that I started getting back into MLP. I’m looking forward to season 7, but first we gotta do Legend of the Everfree. I hear it’s a pretty decent EQG movie, so let’s see.

Legend of Everfree

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E25 & 26 · 8:23pm Nov 30th, 2017

It’s the season finale!

To Where and Back Again – Part 1

So, I started watching this episode and was prepared for, y’know, a basic season finale with cool fights and friendship and whatever, but oh ho ho… little did I know. IT’S A FUCKING TRIXIE SEASON FINALE! This could not have worked out better. I am 100% on board the Trixie train.

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E22-24 · 5:01am Nov 30th, 2017

P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E19-21 · 5:25am Nov 29th, 2017

Getting close to the end of Season 6. Next up will be EQG: Legend of the Everfree. Heard one song from it so far, so no idea what it’s about or what it’s quality is.

The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E16-18 · 3:52am Nov 27th, 2017

The Times They are a Changeling

Whaaaaaaaat? A changeling episode? This oughta be interesting.

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E13-15 · 9:09am Nov 26th, 2017

Stranger Than Fan Fiction

Besides Slice of Life, this is probably the episode I’ve heard the most about in terms of fan pandering, but it totally makes sense because, I mean… c’mon. Just look at that title. In any case, I’m kinda looking forward to this episode after I enjoyed Slice of Life so much.

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E10-12 · 10:36pm Nov 24th, 2017

So, I’ll be honest, it’s been a few days since I sat down to do this. I’ve been doing other things, see = Thanksgiving. What this means is that I technically watched some of these episodes awhile ago… but didn’t write reviews at the time, so now I’ll have to pull from memory. I’m sure it’ll all be fine.

Applejack’s Day Off

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E7-9 · 12:40am Nov 22nd, 2017

Newbie Dash

Well, I’ve heard a lot about this episode, mostly how divisive it is. The episodes people reference as being similar to this one in how they are hated lead me to believe that I’ll probably find this to be totally acceptable. I don’t like to get into all the drama surrounding controversial episodes, so I’m just gonna try and review this on its merits alone.

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MLP Marathon Bonanza S6 E4-6 (The one where Trixie comes back) · 9:03pm Nov 21st, 2017

I’ve been trying not to look too far ahead when I watch these episodes. I’m not super worried about spoilers or anything, but I like going in blind. It generally means I come out liking the episode a little more than I might have. That being said, I can’t help but notice that in this batch of three episodes we’re getting to No Second Prances, which apparently is the (second) return of Trixie, so I’m pretty fucking hyped.

On Your Marks

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