• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 27th, 2017

Daily Show Ponies


If you're wondering why all my interviews got condensed into one story. · 11:22pm Feb 4th, 2014

All of my stories, in their entirety, will now be allocated to a single story-post. From there new stories will be added as chapters and all my stand alone entries will be deleted.

Report Daily Show Ponies · 1,340 views ·

Update: "No I'm not dead" edition · 6:03pm Oct 30th, 2013

Some folks have wondered why I haven't updated in quite awhile. A few reasons but first I want to apologize for making you wait so long. :fluttercry: To get right down to it the next story, which comes out tomorrow, took so long to get out to you guys because it's long. :pinkiegasp:

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Report Daily Show Ponies · 660 views ·

Who should Jon Stewart interview next? (Official post) · 4:54pm Apr 7th, 2013

I figured that Instead of constantly having to put up a post asking for people to leave a suggestion I figure I should just have one official blog post from here on out, and see how that works. :twilightsmile:

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Report Daily Show Ponies · 2,268 views ·

Who should Jon Stewart interview next? · 10:21pm Feb 25th, 2013

As my followers know I like to have a little suggestion box up on my page for anyone to comment on.

So as always:
Who should Jon interview next and why?

Edit: How the hell did you people even know about this blog post...I didn't select any of my stories as notifications.

Report Daily Show Ponies · 1,628 views ·

[Insert name of YOUR OC here] on the Daily Show, contest! · 9:09pm Feb 18th, 2013

So it's been awhile since I've had a contest for those who read my stories, and since the last one was pretty fun I thought why not do another one. So to that end, how would you (Yes you! ) like your OC to be featured in their very own story, being interviewed by Jon? :pinkiegasp::derpyderp1::rainbowderp:

If you want to enter this contest you must adhere to the following requirements.


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Report Daily Show Ponies · 1,149 views ·

Who should Jon Stewart interview next? · 9:33pm Nov 2nd, 2012

Regular followers will know that I like to have an open forum where folks can give suggestions on who Jon should have on his show next. It gives me the chance to get a general idea of what people want to see and adjust my lineup accordingly:raritywink:. Having said that, based on the general census from past posts, I've already decided on my next three interviews. You're input DOES affect my decision. :rainbowderp:

So, as always, the questions remains. :raritystarry:

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Report Daily Show Ponies · 984 views ·

Who should Jon Stewart interview next? (+Update) · 9:30pm Nov 2nd, 2012

:heart:The contest for next pony to appear on the Daily Show is closed and a winner has already been chosen. Thanks to everyone who participated. :heart:

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Report Daily Show Ponies · 536 views ·

Understanding Dr.Who(oves) · 11:32pm Oct 3rd, 2012

So here is the deal...I'm thinking about having Jon interview Dr. Whooves in an upcoming story. I've already (more or less) thought of a good way of integrating him within the story so that part is out of the way. I even have the "Intro" and "Intermission" portion of the story down in my head:raritystarry:. The only problem I have yet to tackle is the fact that I don't know anything about Dr. Who. :pinkiegasp:

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Report Daily Show Ponies · 968 views ·

Who should Jon Stewart interview next? (+Contest) · 6:36am Sep 4th, 2012

Thank you to everyone who has helped me get this far in my Fimfiction career :heart:. 200 followers may not be the biggest achievement but it really means a lot to someone like me who thought he'd never even get pass the moderation for his first story:pinkiesad2:. So having said that this is another "Who should Jon interview next" blog post but this time with a twist! :twistnerd:

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Report Daily Show Ponies · 912 views ·

Who should Jon Stewart interview next? · 5:13am Sep 3rd, 2012

Hi! If you're a fan of "Equestrian interviews" then please feel free to give a suggestion on who should be on the Daily Show next.
Leave a comment on who Jon should interview and give a brief reason on why you feel this way.

Report Daily Show Ponies · 707 views ·