• Member Since 26th Jun, 2012
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Syke Jr

we can be like they are


The Horizon Behind Us is now in print! · 5:28pm Dec 3rd, 2021

Hey all.

Today I recieved my print copy of Badge Granted, The FiO anthology from Ponyfeather Publishing.

It's amazing.

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Silver's Centenary · 6:40pm Aug 17th, 2021

Sometime last year, long before I wrote The Earth and Sky, I was inspired to write about Silver Star's one-hundredth night in Equestria. A night of passion between he and Gingersnap that would begin the next century with a new adventure.

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TVTropes Page and Easter Eggs · 10:38am Jan 18th, 2021

I thought I had posted this already. In fact I'm so sure I did that I suspect reality has been altered in some way.

But whatever.

For those interested, I have a TVTropes page! Abstract Indigo Put it together. Big thanks to them! Click here to visit the page!

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spoons · 1:50am Apr 29th, 2020

Some more art, not directly from any of my published Optimalverse work, but featuring Gingersnap and Silver Star along with their two very very close friends Amber Glow and Steady Path! An unbelievably cute piece by the one and only lilfunkman.

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silversnap · 2:51am Nov 17th, 2019

Have some adorable art of Silver Star and Gingersnap, as seen in The Horizon Behind Us.

By the amazing Camille!

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The Mason Jar - Author's Notes · 11:04pm Oct 20th, 2019

I came up with the idea for The Mason Jar in the early hours of the morning, as usual, because that's when contests happen when you're on the opposite side of the Atlantic to everyone else.

The contest was to begin in just a few minutes. Most other people already had their stories at least a little bit planned out in their head; we'd had the prompt for a while. I didn't think I was going to compete. But when I came up with the idea, I went for it.

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