FIM-In-universe Cinema (Compilation) · 11:05pm Sep 16th, 2023
With technology surprisingly advanced in this heavy-magic society, is it any wonder the cinema is pretty good too?
With technology surprisingly advanced in this heavy-magic society, is it any wonder the cinema is pretty good too?
As much as the name of the franchise is touted around in the FIM theme song, it was also touted around here and there throughout the show.
The writers of FIM made sure to include slang into their world building. For instance, Applejack often address her younger sister, Applebloom, and her friend, Twilight, as "sugarcube".
Back in Stare Master, the Cutie Mark Crusaders pondered what a cutie mark for arguing would look like. In the MLP AA crossover, Turnabout Storm, Apple Bloom got an answer: lawyering in a nutshell.
It sounded silly, but the adults do bring up the concept of arguing a lot.
As the main character, Twilight Sparkle made a big transition from student to new mentor over the 9 seasons of FIM. Perhaps that's why there were so many episodes were she only had one scene?
As the MC's mentor and initially last ruling alicorn, perhaps it was natural that Princess Celestia got the occasional cameo every now and again?
Hello everybrony,
Although seaponies were first introduced to the franchise in Generation 1, they were given a new life all the way back in 2017 with the MLP movie (and a passing mention in the Season 7 finale).
I had to make shorter compilation because of copyright; here are the seaponies' appearances outside of the movie:
I hope you can see the movie sections from your country with a YouTube account!
It wasn't a long long time ago, but it must feel that way for the fandom when this first started.
Hello everybrony,
I just realized!
I have been making more compilation videos for FIM, but I haven't been blogging about that here! My apologies.
Here is my next compilation video-the one about Zecora's poems.
Hello everybrony,
I have been working on compilations for dozens of aspects of FIM. Here is one regarding all canonical aspects of the Pinkie sense, along with the senses of the rest of her family.