The Cadence fic is on the way! · 4:33pm Apr 23rd, 2023
Just wanted to let you guys know that was the next installment in the series, and work on it will start soon. Thank you all for the support and see you soon!
24, clop writer for fun. Love pony mouths and rumps. Don't take these too seriously.
Just wanted to let you guys know that was the next installment in the series, and work on it will start soon. Thank you all for the support and see you soon!
Hey hey! Been a while.
Just wanted to say I've been going through things as of recent (finding employment, family health issues, etc.). As soon as things get settled over here, I might be back with a new story. Been thinking of writing something involving mouth play. Will get back to you all when I have a concrete idea.
Til next time, peace!
Thank you all for your favs and helpful comments during the Pony Sucks You Off series.
For the majority of this following year, I'm taking a step back from writing and putting my focus back into reading other (much more talented) people's stories. I will come back when I decide to, but this was a fun experience for me and I'm glad that I did it.
Thank you all again and see you soon!