• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I mostly post mature works. There may still be some worksafe posts though. For my non-pony smut works visit my Ao3 page.


I'm attending the Barcast today! · 5:32pm Jun 26th, 2021

I'm pleased and flattered to announce, if you haven't heard already, that I'll be appearing as a guest on The Barcast, an 18+ pony-themed podcast.

I'm as surprised as anyone, but apparently people would like to hear from me!

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Report CarcinoGeneticist · 309 views ·

Yes I'm alive, here's a new story! · 9:08pm Feb 25th, 2021

Been radio silence for a long time, I know. Fanfiction has been low priority for me for a while, but I've been working on it a lot more lately. I can't promise anything steady or consistent, but I'd like to at least finish a couple of the stories I've already started here, as well as another new one I've got on the back burner. In the meantime, though, have an all-new, stand-alone story.

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NaNoWriMo and No-Clop November, or "How I'm attempting to get out of my rut." · 5:11am Nov 2nd, 2017

As you may know, today marks the beginning of National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to write 50,000 words over the course of the month of November.

As you may also know, this month also marks the beginning of the second year of one of my favorite saucy pony comics, "No-Clop November," wherein twenty-some pony characters attempt to survive the month without getting laid or pleasuring themselves.

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New Story: Strictly Academic Curiosity · 5:50pm Jan 19th, 2017

Greetings followers,

Growth Spurts has unfortunately been giving me writer's block lately, so I found myself tinkering with other projects for a while, and it actually resulted in me publishing a new story!

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Growth Spurts Chapter 8 · 6:10pm Jul 10th, 2016

It should be live now. Shorter and less sexy this time, but, at least it didn't take me nine months! Haha....ha....ahem.

Warning, lots of talk about unusual dicks and their potential for going in butts.

Not much else to say this time. The steam summer sale came and went, didn't really get too much. Couple of new tower defense games, of varying quality. Won't bore y'all with that.

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Growth Spurts Chapter 7 (finally) · 11:04pm Mar 10th, 2016

After a couple of months too long, chapter seven of Growth Spurts is finally finished and live.

Be warned, it's about 17,000 words of the most gratuitous, self-indulgent, and downright filthy porn I've ever written.

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Something good to read while you wait for me to stop being a slowpoke: Past Present and Future · 3:15pm Sep 1st, 2015

So this is in the feature box at the moment:
Past, Present, and Future

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Report CarcinoGeneticist · 568 views ·

Growth Spurts Chapter 6! · 8:48pm Jun 15th, 2015

It is now live.

Only took me four months. Match-3 games unfortunately continued to hypnotize me far too often for my liking. Really gotta try to be more efficient with my time. Thank god I finished this one just as the steam summer sale picked up, or else it might not have gotten done until.....well, probably the next steam sale. :derpyderp1:

Next chapter should be a little more.....fun to write though, so hopefully it won't take quite as long.

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Report CarcinoGeneticist · 457 views ·

Growth Spurts Chapter 5 · 10:18pm Feb 16th, 2015

It is now live. Things actually happen this time, I swear!

Additionally, I've also gone back and re-dubbed some chapter titles. I had never quite been happy with most of them and wanted to get some kind of running theme going. I feel better about it now, but we'll see how it goes.

Not much else to say at the moment. Onward to the next chapter, whenever I'm not having all my time shanghai'd by match-3 games.


Report CarcinoGeneticist · 615 views ·

A story you should be reading! · 2:22am Jan 21st, 2015

For those of you who followed me for "Her Majesty's Secret Service" and would enjoy seeing more of Twilight Velvet and Night Light railing each other, I've been editing for a really great fic in that vein that just went live today and I highly recommend it.

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Report CarcinoGeneticist · 443 views ·