• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen February 3rd


Every story has it's fans. Mine just happen to be nonexistent. But that's okay because I still love to write❤️


Status Update. · 10:30pm Dec 29th, 2022

Yes, I'm still alive. Also, Merry Christmas. I've been busy lately so being on here has become less of a priority overall. That being said, I do want to get back with making stories. It's just a matter of making time really. Anyways, not much I can say other than I hope everyone is doing well.

Report SunTwi06 · 193 views ·

Addressing Stuff(On Here And IRL) · 6:42pm Jul 17th, 2022

Hello to any/everyone who's reading this. It's been quite a while since I've made any kind of action on here, huh? Well, yes I'm still alive and fine for the most part. But that being said, I wish to have a serious talk with you all. Nothing life threatening but it's something I've been needing to do but been to scared to do it.

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Report SunTwi06 · 313 views ·

Back And With Some News · 7:11pm Nov 17th, 2021

I know I've been inactive as of late. I have my own personal reasons for why that is but that's not the point here. I've got some more stories on the back burner. They just need some polishing and they'll be good. The next story to come out will involve Wallflower and Sunset. I won't spoil to much but it was heavily inspired by Hellva Boss(ep 7 to be more exact).

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Report SunTwi06 · 259 views ·

An Important Announcement · 5:35pm Jun 16th, 2021

So I recently made a Patreon for my Siren AU series. I'm fairly new to the site but I decided since I want to make this into a reality, I went ahead and created an account there. This by no means that you have to pay to see my stories (save for previews) but if you want to, you can tip me there for only 3$. A suggestion/want to see in the series is 10$ and a preview/early access is 15$ I do hope I'm asking for much and again, none of this is mandatory.

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Report SunTwi06 · 253 views · #Patreon #Update

The Future Of My Account/Stroies · 5:15pm Jun 9th, 2021

So, as stated in my Siren blog, my main focus is mostly set on this series and with some backing money, that dream is slowly becoming a reality witch makes me very happy. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for all of you and your overwhelmed support so for that, I'm grateful. I know my posting has slowed down lately but that's only because I only want to make them the best as I humanly possible. And with me entering a

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Report SunTwi06 · 272 views · #Friends #Update

When You Finally Have A Free Moment · 6:19pm Jun 2nd, 2021

(This is totally not me btw).

In all seriousness though, I just got done finishing a few Siren AU stories and from the looks of it, I'll be able to publish some soon. Here's a sneek peek of one such story:

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Report SunTwi06 · 216 views ·

Venting Out My Emotions · 1:50am May 30th, 2021

So, this has been an ongoing issue that I've tried so hard to ignore but it has been building up to the point that doing so is no longer viable. If I may, I want to... vent my emotions for a bit.

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Report SunTwi06 · 294 views ·

Here's to 200 Followers/Friends · 9:17pm May 18th, 2021

Well, I didn't expect to get this many. The last time I posted about this was in... *looks at blogs* a year and month ago? Huh. Well, regardless, 200 is a big stepping stone for a year(ish) account. I'm hoping to hit 300 by the end of the year. Once again, thank you to all my supporters and those who've stayed around despite the ups and downs I've had. The only thing I ask in turn is your smiles and likes/comments to keep me going:heart:

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Report SunTwi06 · 205 views · #Followers #Freinds

Siren AU Annocement + More · 9:00pm May 15th, 2021

So, I've been thinking for the past few months and I would love everyone's option on the matter(for those of you following the lore behind the series). Would you guys like to see a Bio on each of the characters (in said AU) and explain each of the characters like how some Wiki's do? And if so, would you also like to see custom cover art for each story?

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Report SunTwi06 · 236 views · #Friends #Siren AU

I Feel Burnted Out · 5:10pm May 7th, 2021

After what happened a few days ago, I've kinda just... lost intrest in doing anything. Not sure if it's just from the drama or if it's something else entirely but I'd love to hear your guys/girls insight on what I should do and/or what you want to see and I'll consider it. I still have a lot of stories "done" but don't feel like publishing them (partly due to fear of backlash from what happened). Hope your guys/girls day is going well...

Report SunTwi06 · 239 views · #Friends #Followers