• Member Since 30th May, 2012
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Friendship Souls on Monday · 11:44pm June 29th

Hey folks, going to go ahead and take an extra couple of days on the next chapter. Its not quite where I want it to be at the moment, feel like there's more I can do to flesh it out with another day or two to work at it. As always, thanks for you patience, and hope you all have a good weekend.

Report thatguyvex · 87 views ·

Friendship Souls on Wednesday · 11:28pm May 18th

Hello folks, just giving you all a heads up that due to a bit of a personal issue that's cropped up this past week I'm going to need a few extra days to finish up the next chapter. Nothing super serious, just unexpected happenings in real life demanding my attention, so no worries, just need a bit longer to complete this chapter. Anyhow, hope you folks have a good weekend and as always thank you for your patience.

Report thatguyvex · 77 views ·

Friendship Souls chapter next week. · 10:33pm March 16th

Hello folks. Unfortunately my work schedule the past couple of weeks has slowed down my writing a fair amount. With luck, the work burden will ease in the coming weeks, and I can play a bit of catch up. As such, the current chapter is about halfway done, but should be done by next Saturday. As always I appreciate you folks' patience.

Report thatguyvex · 117 views ·

Tentative Delay to Monday · 10:51pm February 3rd

Hello folks, just giving you all the heads up that I'm taking another couple of days on this chapter of Friendship Souls. It's, like, 90% done, and I want to cook this one for a bit longer. Pinkie Pie fights are always a little wonky to write. I thank you all for your patience and hope you folks have a good weekend.

Report thatguyvex · 146 views ·

Friendship Souls Holiday Delay · 3:00am Dec 30th, 2023

Just a heads up for you folks, while I've been working on the chapter, the holidays have cut into my time enough that I figure it's necessary to take an extra week on this one. I do hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and has a great New Year, and I promise Friendship Souls shall return for the first Saturday of 2024.

Report thatguyvex · 142 views ·

Taking an extra week on next FS chapter · 9:00pm Oct 25th, 2023

As just a heads up for everyone, this past week my family and I went on a trip, and while it was quite fun, it was also exceedingly draining between the constant running around and the jet lag from going coast to coast. As a result, I'm well behind on chapter progress, and while I'm mostly recovered from the jet lag and general trip exhaustion, it'll probably take me an extra week to get the next FS chapter ready (especially because this one might prove longer than others). So expect the

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Report thatguyvex · 249 views ·

Apologies for the delay · 10:21pm Sep 9th, 2023

Due to some personal events, progress on the next Friendship Souls chapter has been rather slowed down from the norm. Its still coming along, and I'm largely recovered from said personal events, but I'm going to have to take another week and get the chapter up next Saturday rather than today. I never do like missing the two-week update mark, even though it's never really been an official thing, just a goal I set for myself. As always I highly appreciate you folks' patience and continued

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Report thatguyvex · 187 views ·

Another Day or Two for Next Chapter · 12:35pm Aug 12th, 2023

Tried to get this one out on time, but some unexpected time sinks, mainly helping a friend with their move, cut into my days off, so going to need a bit of extra time on the next chapter of Friendship Souls. Hopefully will be able to get it posted up on Monday. As always, thank you all for your patience, folks.

Report thatguyvex · 158 views ·

Friendship Souls Next Week · 9:59pm Jul 8th, 2023

Unfortunately I'm going to need to take an extra week for the next chapter of Friendship Souls. Just a combination of factors piled up this week so didn't have as much time as usual to work on it, and it'll probably be a longer chapter than usual anyway, so another week to pull it together is going to be necessary. As always I highly appreciate you folk's patience and understanding.

Report thatguyvex · 201 views ·

Chapter Delay · 11:18pm May 27th, 2023

Hey folks, just letting you all know that I'm going to need to take some extra time on the next chapter of Friendship Souls. Shouldn't take the whole week, thinking it should be ready by Tuesday. As always I thank you folks for you patience.

Report thatguyvex · 144 views ·