• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen July 16th

Blizzard Breeze

Ice and snow, a wonderful thing indeed


Haven't made a blog for a while · 11:18pm Oct 28th, 2022

hello people, I hope things are going good. I'm currently making a one shot at the moment. Actually, got the idea from playing a round of escape in gears 5. So I plan to use the three trouble making crusaders in such a mission based on a hive I went though.

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Report Blizzard Breeze · 120 views ·

how is life treating you all? · 7:18pm Jun 20th, 2022

I hope things are going well for everyone. anyone who read this, I hope the day treats you well.

Report Blizzard Breeze · 108 views ·

if you think bleach cures Autism, you need to get your head checked out · 2:52am Jan 23rd, 2021

if you believe bleach cures stuff like that, I don't know what to say to you really

Report Blizzard Breeze · 177 views ·

what are the worse reviews you have seen for a game that seems to get everything wrong? · 2:23pm Apr 24th, 2020

I have seen a fair few reviews that are just awful, like some of the reviews for the new doom where people are complaining about jumping and saying "it's not doom". it's fine to think that but if you think jumping is something to give a 0 for. it's just why?

what about you guys, what are the worse reviews you guys have seen?

Report Blizzard Breeze · 190 views ·

a buddy of mine needs some help · 6:12pm Apr 17th, 2020

Kody The Ultimate Brony has been going through some rough times and is under the possibility of ending up homeless. with what's happening in the world right now, I don't know what will happen and don't want to think about it.

I just hope if anyone can help him, please do. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. he is a friend and I want the best for him

Report Blizzard Breeze · 175 views ·

I don't know what to show so here have a song to listen to · 1:39pm Apr 9th, 2020

Report Blizzard Breeze · 150 views ·

i found this video to be pretty funny, may as well put it in a blog · 4:07pm Mar 31st, 2020

i hope you all enjoy it like i did

Report Blizzard Breeze · 152 views ·

draft for The Unitology Project chapter is almost done · 2:01am Mar 17th, 2020

the chapter will basically introduced our captor that holds starlight and her sinister mind, just a fraction of it. it will be short but the other chapters will be longer don't worry.

Report Blizzard Breeze · 155 views ·

a game i wanted to get some eyes too and a youtuber that i want to get out there · 2:30pm Feb 27th, 2020

kill two birds with one stone and i want to support the game and YouTuber best I can, am going to share it around a little bit I hope you all enjoy.

Report Blizzard Breeze · 122 views ·

just a idea i wanted to ask if people would like to see · 5:48pm Feb 11th, 2020

i have been thinking of a story based on the horror game called song of horror here the trailer for it and some gameplay you guys be the judge of this and after i finish the Unitology Project it may be my next story.

Report Blizzard Breeze · 128 views ·