• Member Since 7th May, 2019
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2021



New Member On Fimficition.net! · 10:18am Jun 10th, 2021

Hi everypony! A new member has joined amongst our ranks! When you guys first joined, you had no idea what you were doing. Some of us had to learn on our own, and others had help from members before us. I'm still learning new things, despite how long I've been a member for a bit, so I don't know how much help I will be. If any of you want to help this user, I think they would appreciate your help. Let's get My Sister Tia up on their

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Report Lunar_Glow · 198 views ·

I'm back everypony/creature! · 1:49am May 29th, 2021

I have decided to stay a member. I occasionally considered leaving for good, but, I realized that I just needed some time to work on myself. I'm still in the process of doing that. I really missed being on here. I miss you guys:pinkiesad2:. Right now, I am simply just reading or looking at blogs on here. I don't have the energy to write or create a story, but, what I could do is write poetry for y'all to enjoy. Once I have my life on track, I will definitely get back into the swing of things. I

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Report Lunar_Glow · 177 views ·

Hey there! · 9:59am Jul 18th, 2020

How is everyone? Hopefully good... Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been struggling with my emotions and thoughts for a long time and needed the space. Anyway, an update. So, I know this is something that isn't just casually brought up, but I don't really care and I'm not all that excited or happy about it. I finally graduated high school. I kind of miss it, surprisingly. I mean, I guess it's because I spent my whole life going to school and now I'm just... not. School was kind of ironic

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Report Lunar_Glow · 279 views ·

Turning 19! · 8:16am May 22nd, 2020

As the title mentions, I am 19 today. I'm not all that excited. It's just another number, really. At least I'm 2 years closer to getting shitfaced drunk for the first time in my life 😆. It's pretty late and I need some sleep, but I thought I'd post a quick blog here to let you guys know the good news. I'm not sure what I want to do for my 19th birthday. There's really not much to do because of COVID-19. I'm thinking of heading to GameStop for some new games. Other than that, I don't know. What

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Report Lunar_Glow · 243 views ·

1 Year Anniversary! · 6:26am May 12th, 2020

Sorry to cut everyone off like that. Needed some space. Guess I'm feeling a little empty more often. But, I'm getting by, so that's good. 5 days ago was the 1 year anniversary of me joining Fimfiction.net. My first fanfic is still in progress, so I think I might write a short story for practice. I mean, start small and work my way up. I've been a member for a year and haven't written a single story. It's late; 1:50 a.m. I thought I'd post something after days of silence. Sometimes, I have

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Report Lunar_Glow · 228 views ·

Better Spirits · 6:48pm Apr 14th, 2020

Hey guys! I'm sorry I didn't post a blog sooner. I was just isolating myself for a bit. I just needed some time to myself. I hope I didn't miss anything good on here. I stopped checking the feed. Mainly because there are so many notifications. I check it once in a while because it would take too long to scroll through every post. I'd hate to imagine the numbers if I had a thousand followers lol. Like, would I get 100 notifications every 3 minutes? I'd have like, a million notifications by the

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Report Lunar_Glow · 161 views ·

Failed Attempt · 6:56am Mar 25th, 2020

One thought that has been on my mind is wondering what is going on with the depressed people who can't get therapy, especially the lgbt community who are at higher risk of suicide. I wonder if they have thought of the same thing as I. I've been sneezing and using the bathroom a lot. Even sneezing I think is a risk to my family. I've lost my inspiration for writing. Again. The whole time I spent watching Netflix, I could have spent writing my fanfic with my editor. I could've kept moving

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Report Lunar_Glow · 167 views ·

I let everyone down update · 9:10pm Mar 20th, 2020

Hi. So, some of you may have read my last blog and I wanted to say that I am in a better mood now. I'm still feeling a little down and I plan on spending the rest of the day offline. I don't know if I have bipolar depression or whatever else, I don't know. I plan on getting therapy in the future so I can figure this out. Um, offline, I hardly speak. I mean, I speak a few sentences and joke here and there, but I'm generally very quiet. After my break down, I stopped speaking. I hate my voice

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Report Lunar_Glow · 139 views ·

I let everyone down · 7:50pm Mar 20th, 2020

Yes, the title should say it all. I don't know why I kept fighting. I guess it was hoping that I would make everyone else happy for once, but I couldn't even do that. Writing poetry wasn't good enough. They expected me to do elearning after elearning after elearning because of this virus. They wanted to shove all the education down my throat before the deadline. They didn't care about my mental state. All they care about are the grades. I've failed them. My family, my teachers, and myself. I

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Report Lunar_Glow · 154 views ·

New User! Welcome Them! · 2:51am Mar 20th, 2020

Hello, everyone!(for some reason I always end up saying hellow instead of hello lol) I would like to take a moment to let you know a new user has joined Fimfiction. Please give a warm welcome to Moonlight_Symphony. I've been talking to them for a bit now, but I would like Moonlight to talk to other members as well. There are so many great ponies here other than me, so please give Moonlight_Symphony a memorable welcome!

Report Lunar_Glow · 119 views ·