• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A slightly better than novice writer and a relatively new member to the Mlp Fan-base. Book smart but socially stupid.


A Crafter's Hallelujah (Parody) · 4:28am Mar 4th, 2020

*This is a parody of the song, 'Hallelujah,' and is no way mine. I only own the time spent making this into a parody.*
*Also, it may be a bit rough around the edges, but I wrote it in, like an hour. Sue me.*

You know I've been to the secret place,
Where Notch came down to help our race,
But you don't really care about that, do ya?
It went like this:
the sounds of war, my people they fell, by the score
I was there, whispering Hallelujah


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So, I took your guy's advice. · 5:06am Feb 7th, 2020

So, after Steve was revealed to have once been a king of Minecraftia back in chapter 61, a few people said in the comments about how he was like the "Fallen King." Now, since I had no idea who that was, I asked about it and was directed to a music video. However, I never actually watched it, since I was so busy with everything else that I had going on, and I gradually forgot about it.
However, it came up in my Youtube recommended, and I thought, "Fuck it." and I watched it.

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Pick-axe Man · 5:26pm Dec 14th, 2019

So, I wrote this down a little while ago, and thought it was pretty good, so I thought I'd share it with you all. Tell me what you think in the comments.


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Q & A Blog: Official · 11:23pm Dec 7th, 2019

So, yeah. As the name suggests, I'm starting up this blog here for any readers of my story, "A Crafter's Dream," that have questions that they haven't yet asked or wouldn't ask otherwise. You can ask anything you want here, and I'll answer to the best of my ability. The only type of question that I won't, or rather can't, are the ones that would spoil the story to come. Besides that, it's free game.

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New Project: Hazbin's Doom · 3:53am Dec 1st, 2019

So, I'll keep this short, because I'm a little pressed for time right about now.

So, basically, you know the show called "Hazbin Hotel?" Well, I'm currently in the process of writing a crossover between that show and Doom, called "Hazbin's Doom." It'll take a bit of time out of my week whenever I get around to it, so expect the next few chapters to be a bit late. I'll try my best, but I'm only one guy, after all. Okay, that's it. Just wanted to let you all know.



Update: The beach · 9:55pm Nov 23rd, 2019

I am at the beach. It's cold and wet.
I took pictures but don't know how to add them here. Stand by while I figure out how not to be a moron.

Report ruthim345 · 163 views · #Random

A Crafter's War · 9:49pm Nov 11th, 2019

A/n: I was listening to the original a few days ago and thought, "Huh. Bet I could make a parody out of that." And so, here it is. Granted, it's more than a little rough, especially due to Fimfiction's typing format, and the fact that I'm no music writer, but I think it's fairly decent. Hope you guys like it.

A Crafter’s War

(To the tune of “If I Die Young” by the Band Perry)


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General Update · 3:39am Nov 6th, 2019

So, as the title says, this is just a general update on how things are going on my end, for those who care.

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The Revise is coming. · 3:46am Oct 12th, 2019

So, I think that this was a long time coming. So, if you all didn't figure it out already by the title, I'm going to be taking a lot of time out of my usual writing time to work on revising and editing the absolute shit out of my story, "A Crafter's Dream."

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A Little Help Needed · 12:29am Sep 2nd, 2019

So, I've been trying to write the third installment of my weird-ass series, "Pick-axe Man", but I've run into a small road-block and need some ideas.

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Report ruthim345 · 238 views ·