• Member Since 5th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2021



I made a Plushie! · 9:50pm Aug 6th, 2018

I made a plushie!!!

His name's boulder.

Report CandyCanine · 255 views · #boulder #plushies
Comments ( 5 )
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Actually it was... biscuit. But I have enjoyed your stories!:pinkiehappy:


Thank you, Admiral! I have to say though I have been following you indirectly for a while now as Celefin is my spouse

Since you're here, I assume that you've been enjoying my stories and blog posts, even if indirectly.

I hope he prefaces every mention of one of my blog posts as "This crazy American . . ."

Thank you, Admiral! I have to say though I have been following you indirectly for a while now as Celefin is my spouse :derpytongue2:

Thanks for the follow! Love your username and avatar!

Also, welcome to FimFiction!

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