• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 17th


Your friendly neighborhood mechanic / fanfic writer. Don't worry, I'm good at both! :D


Somepony help this poor story... · 5:52am Feb 7th, 2013

THIS STORY is in dire need of a good editor.

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NEED PREREADERS/Rant about Alicorn Twi/Turned my mom into a brony · 3:47am Jan 30th, 2013

FIRST! Before season 3 wreaks any more havoc on my unpublished fics, I wanna get them published come hell or high water BEFORE Twilight sprouts that wretched pair of wings and completely RAPES all of my flippin' stories! I got two what need a little prereading. Sorry! Neither is Last. One is about a changeling captured by Twilight, a wee bit dark, and the other is about a pony hater who gets mind-swapped with Rainbow Dash and adventure ensues, and also about RD who wakes up with

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Red's Recommended Reads · 3:44am Jan 27th, 2013


(Hey I did it twice!)

Well, I don’t like making blog posts because I feel like I’m just adding to BS notifications for you guys. I planned on making this one giant blog post with a whole bunch of stuff, but I’m not ready for all that other crap yet, so here’s some fics for you to munch on… as if you didn’t have enough already. My unread favs and read later’s are in the triple digits myself. But hey if you’re looking for something new, give some of these a shot.

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MERRY NEW YEAR! (LATE) · 6:52pm Jan 1st, 2013

So yea! My new year's was boring. But hey, for a while there, I was in teamspeak with my brony buddies discussing nuances about mlp and totally overanalyzing it. That was fun.

Don't have much in the way of suggested reads today, but THIS was a good read.

Status report:

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ERMAGERD! · 1:04am Dec 20th, 2012

Sorry to bug ya with a blog post. But since you're here, please go read THIS. It's my friend's first fic, and it's not bad (and I was the editor lol). Give him some feedback, etc. He's also helped me with a lot of stuff for my fics, and he, in fact, stars in my yet-to-be-published 20 (already written) chapters comedy/adventure/HiE/whatever fic. Which someday I shall edit and publish!

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Achievement Unlocked! · 7:42am Nov 16th, 2012

Achievement Unlocked: FAIL Moderation!

lol I can't believe my new fic actually failed moderation. For a second there I was like... HOLY HELL WAS IT THAT BAD?!

Nah, turns out I had 'conflicting tags' specifically Comedy and Sad. Who's read Last Brony? Anyone? Wasn't it funny AND sad? It's got both tags too lol.

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Just told my dad Ima brony... · 8:32pm Oct 13th, 2012

And he kinda didn't care. lol

He's unpredicatable with these things, it could've either been a 'wtf is wrong with you' or a 'oh cool you're a writer now.'


He finally asked me what I'm always reading on my cell phone when I'm at work.

It went something like...

I never heard of my little pony.
Who would waste their time writing stuff?
You write now? No wonder you're always late for work.

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More of Last Brony coming Tuesday! · 6:15am Oct 1st, 2012

It's on paper (so to speak), all 3k+ words of it. I need to spitshine it a bit, but I should make Tuesday no problem. Also wanted to give a big shout out to everyone who's following me! Thanks guys! It means a lot!

If, for some odd reason, you haven't read it yet, it's HERE

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zomg! New story coming + mah 1st blog post! · 5:22am Jul 22nd, 2012

WOW!!!!! I have 100 followers! ZOMG thanks guys!

Also, 1st blog post, yay! I'll still try not to overdo it with blog posts though!

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