• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen March 27th

chief maximus

Why do I write? Because I can't draw! I write mainly as an outlet, and don't take it too seriously. If you like what I write, awesome! If not, that's cool too.


Thoughts on our beloved Derpy · 4:02pm Feb 26th, 2012

By now I'm sure everyone knows of the changes Hasbro made to Derpy's part in 'The last roundup'. My take on the whole thing (not that any of you asked or probably even care) is while I appreciate the voice change (she is a mare, after all) I do lament the fact that they dubbed over RD saying her name, and the un-derping of her eyes. Her eyes are what made her special to all of us, and in a way I feel represented our fandom better than any other icon. Sure she's a bit off, but most non-bronies

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7k views! · 12:35am Feb 22nd, 2012

Just for the first chapter! I severely underestimated my fellow bronies love for shipping and implied cattle slavery! I,-as you all do apparently- love an unusual pairing, especially the challenge of making it believable. The next update is on its way, but after that, my pre-reader will be out of action for a while. I wrote an extra long chapter to keep you guys/gals satiated until then.

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Incoming: A radical departure from any fic I've ever written up to this point. · 1:03am Feb 13th, 2012

I won't reveal much here, but I've recently pitched an idea to my pre-reader about a fic involving some rather serious subject matter (Race Relations). My pre-reader really seemed receptive to it, and practically threatened me if I didn't write it, so it's going to happen. He thinks it has potential to be huge, and now so do I, so keep an eye out for my next fic. Pride, Prejudice and Ponies (Thats a working title).

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Achievement Unlocked- Featured on Equestria Daily- 50g · 9:07pm Feb 5th, 2012

At Home on the Range was featured on EqD! Count it! Thanks all for your support and nice comments/ratings. As thanks, enjoy this wonderful piece with Rainbow Dash and her TRUE reason from breaking back into the hospital. She's a devious pony.

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Dear trackers/readers of Discord's Reign, · 11:31pm Jan 27th, 2012

Alright, so as you all know, it's been a while since it was last updated, and thats partially my fault. You see, my pre-reader and I have decided to -since the story is nearing its end- release all the chapters at once when they are complete. Now before you gather your pitchforks and burn down my house, please know that I'm doing this out of respect for you all! I don't want anyone to get anything less than a great ending, since the ending of a story is what generally carries the most emotional

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The Hardest Goodbye 2; Electric Boogaloo · 2:21am Jan 26th, 2012

Just kidding, I'm not writing a sequel. But I'll tell you what I am planning on doing. Re-writing it to have more to do with actual dragon mythology, (my pre reader knows more than I do about such topics, so I believe I'm in good hands) and overall just make it better. A couple of plot discrepancies and a few cliche's and egregious errors in writers craft have led me to this conclusion. The plot of the story will remain essentially the same, except about 20% more tears will be injected

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Discord's Reign and At Home on the Range · 11:09pm Jan 8th, 2012

Both are going to be updated soon! Both new chaps are done and are being pre-read right now. As soon as I get them back you'll get your fix! I apologize for the looooooooong ass time between updates on DR but new years and the holidays took up a lot of time. Anyway, as a token of my penance, please enjoy this tasteful drawing of Fluttershy being adorable.

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Public Service Announcement · 3:01pm Jan 3rd, 2012

The word y'all is a contraction of the words you and all. It indicates a group of people (or ponies), not just a single person (or pony).

For example:

Applejack stolled across her yard to find her other five friends waiting for her.

"What're y'all doin' out here?"

CORRECT! It's addressing a group, so plus one internet for you!

Applejack strolled across her yard to find her friend Twilight waiting for her.

"What're y'all doin out here?"


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Ponies · 4:22am Dec 8th, 2011

My life in a nutshell:

5,000 word essay on Nietzsche? Ugh...

83,000+ words about ponies? Consider it done.

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Ch 13 · 2:29pm Nov 23rd, 2011

I'll try to post chapter 13 of Discord's Reign today, but yahoo is conspiring against my beta and I. Hopefully it will be up in a few hours. Thanks all for your patience! Updates in the future will be faster I promise!

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