• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2017


16 year old Aussie nerd. Fan of MLP, Pokemon, HTTYD and a heap of other things. Mainly write Trixie stories and Scootaloo stories, because those characters are adorable >w<


Might Have to Disappear Again · 3:05pm Jan 19th, 2017

So much other stuff is happening with school and life in general and it looks like I just won't get the few solid hours to sit down and write over the next year. I'm really sorry about this but yeah it can't be helped. I am writing a film script for English Extension 2, it has nothing to do with ponies but if anyone here is interested I can share it with you. So far I've only got a story and scene outline done, will begin actually writing in the next few weeks. But in terms of pony stuff yeah,

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Will Be Away For A While · 7:00am Nov 9th, 2016

Sorry everyone, I've got a lot more homework than I was expecting so I'll have to wait a while before creating any more stories. Thanks for being patient, you're all awesome!

Report BudCharles · 280 views ·

Story Change · 11:57am Oct 20th, 2016

Okay, I'm not abandoning the idea earlier but I have a Trixie story idea that I want to do first so you'll probably see that come out in the next few weeks and the Scootaloo one later on. Sorry for the confusion everyone.:twilightblush:

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I Have Returned! Kind of... · 7:21am Oct 3rd, 2016

Okay, so firstly sorry for randomly disappearing for several months. There are two reasons. The first is that I just started to feel like my stories were really bad and I just didn't want to keep making them, and the second is that I'm now in Year 11, going into Year 12, so the workload from school doesn't leave enough time for writing stories.

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Sorry For Inactivity Lately · 10:00am May 5th, 2016

School is just being a pain in the butt at the moment, so I haven't had much time to be online or write anything, sorry ^^;

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Changing The Next Story · 5:13am Apr 14th, 2016

After writing the whole first 1,000 words of my new story, I realised:
a. It was too long to a be one-shot
b. I'd already done the basic idea about ten times, but with Twilight instead of Fluttershy
c. A much better idea was starting to come into my head anyway
So I'm ditching that new story, and starting on another one instead. It's frustrating to work on something and then not upload it but I think it was the right thing to do.

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Idea For Next Story · 6:34am Apr 12th, 2016

I think I've got a rough idea of what my next story will be, it'll be a one-shot coming out some time in the next 2 weeks, and it will involve Trixie and Fluttershy :3 I won't say anything more yet but yeah hopefully you can expect that to be coming soon :3 Sorry if the last chapter of Canterlot's Newest Star wasn't great but at least it finally happened I guess :P

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Sorry Again For Delays · 8:06am Apr 9th, 2016

I know, I need to stop apologising and just get on with writing the chapter :P The holidays just started so I may finally get time now :P

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Canterlot's Newest Star Progress · 9:07am Apr 3rd, 2016

Well I was about a third of the way (358 words to be precise) through the next chapter of Canterlot's Newest Star when I had a massive argument with my family, and now I'm not in the right emotional state to write anything. I'm really frustrated because I want to be productive but it'd be foolish trying to continue writing, especially considering it's meant to be a happy chapter and I'm as far as you can get from happy right now. If I was writing about Princess Luna's teenage angst or

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An Argument For Trixie · 2:51am Apr 3rd, 2016

(Oh, btw, hoping to finally finish Canterlot's Newest Star today :3)

Trixie needs way more than the "occasional appearance", her story arc was left half-complete in season 3 and then she just walked off. How is she coping with being reformed? What's she doing with her life now? Is her personality still the same? I can think of a million episode ideas right now, I've never seen a character with more potential.

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