• Member Since 1st Jul, 2015
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Female Writer, Bisexual Writer, Smolder X Mare Crackship Connoisseur. Creator of the Smolderverse, and writer of many other kinds of clop and SFW stories (Commissions temporarily OPEN)


Wrapping Up Hiatus Stories · 5:33pm Mar 16th, 2023

Still working through the waitlist of commissions till I can have a break for my own stories and moving out, and besides the bigger project of Smolder's newest exploit with a mare that I'll keep you all updated on, my hopes is to also finish some of the hiatus stories on here and on other fanfic sites. Since eventually I'll be releasing new chapters again for stories that aren't MLP, I'll be creating a Twitter account for my stories officially in the very near future.

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The Joys of Customer Service · 1:10am Mar 15th, 2023

This isn't a rant post by any means, just tired of working in food service where I have to keep a perfect customer service persona in a job that I'm not the least bit passionate about. I love my coworkers and my family, but I expect moving out from my parents to be one of the best things that'll happen to me because I'll finally be free of their rules and will be able to take a long break from those kind of jobs to properly pursue creative writing both for others and myself.

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Speaking of Personal Projects... · 9:44pm Mar 9th, 2023

While working on commissions, I've also been working on a special new story to the "Smolderverse" that involves Smolder hooking up with different mares. This new story is the start to a completely different series than the one with Smolder and Celestia, and will be a seven chapter clopfic that is already two chapters/+11K words completed! It has a special commissioned cover already done and I will be releasing the story in June, possibly sooner. Feel free to take guesses as

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Should I start a Twitter Account for this Profile? · 11:00pm Mar 6th, 2023

I already see a lot of other MLP writers and artists on Twitter to promote their art and stories, and wondered how many of you would like to see an account for myself. To clarify, this would be a primarily NSFW account that would include polls for stories you'd like to see, updates for non-MLP stories on other sites, short updates that don't require a whole blog, and the occasional retweet from other authors and artists that I really like.

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Commission Break in April · 1:04am Feb 23rd, 2023

I will preface that every commission that is currently on the waitlist as of today will be finished within the next 30 days or so, and will be taken care of as swiftly as possible. But any future commission/commission chapters won't be started on until late April at the earliest or early May at the latest. There are many reasons for this, with the main two reasons being the fact that I plan on moving out during that break month as well as setting aside time to

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2022 Highlights! · 2:36am Jan 1st, 2023

(art by sophilia)

So as those who regularly follow my blogs probably noticed, I wrote a post summarizing my year in writing for 2020, but not 2021. It was a very large post and I could only imagine going over everything I wrote this year would only be bigger. So I'll just be going over the highlights.

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Merry Christmas + Update · 11:23pm Dec 25th, 2022

Hello! As those reading my blogs are probably wondering, I did finish the NaNoWriMo challenge. One day early in fact while I was sick, so I'm pretty proud of myself. I've finished all but one commission, the recently finished commission I wrote will be published within the next few days. After all my commissions, contest entries, and other planned stories are finished, I plan on taking a break from MLP fiction besides any commissions I do get. I've been playing both Pokémon

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Final Stretch of My MLP NaNoWriMo Writing! · 8:04am Nov 26th, 2022

Greetings, I'm very glad to announce that I'm over 42,000 words into my writing goal despite my sickness that developed post-Thanksgiving. While I'd love to keep writing for the sequel to Feathery Fetish Fondness, I've been currently dedicating the last bit of writing left for this month to finish the 10,000 word commission I received recently, as well as writing my Jinglemas entry! There will be both NSFW and SFW works to look forward to in the next upcoming weeks,

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MLP NaNoWriMo Update! · 6:38am Nov 23rd, 2022

Whew, I'm +36,000 words in now, and it hasn't been easy. I've stayed true to my goal, not finding myself able to do much besides work, write, eat, sleep, and repeat. I'll be able to update at least another chapter or two to the sequel to Feathery Fetish Fondness before putting it on hiatus, and have many different clopfics coming out soon! They'll most likely be out in December when I've finally completed my NaNoWriMo goal. Stay tuned and thank you all for reading and

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My Little Pony NaNoWriMo!!! · 5:43am Nov 2nd, 2022

This year, I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo, but not in the way most would expect! I won't be writing an original novel this year, but I will be taking this opportunity to write 50,000 words worth of stories to post here on Fimfiction! That's right! This'll give me a chance to start on many new ideas, G5 and G4, work on hiatus stories, contest entries, and even commissions! I already finished my daily goal beginning a sequel to one of my more recent stories. Since

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