• Member Since 31st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 24th, 2020

Piquo Pie

I love psychology and writing. I tend to write origional/experimental stories. I am the head of the School for New Writers and the EFNW writing track. My new favorite quote is "Why so ˈsir-ē-əs?"


MY EFNW panel schedule · 10:53pm May 11th, 2017

Hello all, lone time no... anything.

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Review of audio book William Shakespeare's Star Wars on Audible. · 3:21am Dec 30th, 2016

Report Piquo Pie · 562 views ·

If you give me your skin, I won't have to hurt you - Minecraft Party Server Let's Play S1 E2 · 1:06pm Dec 29th, 2016

Report Piquo Pie · 575 views · #minecraft #let's play

First let's play · 1:20am Dec 28th, 2016

There are a few things I need to work on, I need to move my mic, be less ADHD, and speak slower, but I was surprisingly happy with the lets play as I kept it with little or no downtime.

Report Piquo Pie · 521 views · #Minecraft #let's play

I'm back, kind of. · 1:18am Dec 28th, 2016

Hello all,

It's been a while but here is the short version. I worked myself almost to death for a year, all I really have to show for it is some stupid shirts.

The last few months I've been taking it lightly but now that I've distressed some this is what my plans are.

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Work is finally calming down, will work on stories soon! · 8:41am Nov 5th, 2015

Hey all,

It's been a while sense you heard from me. I've been working about 100 hours a week at my new job, but that's finally starting to come under control so I should be able to get back to writing and writing related tasks in the near future. I've looked a little at the things I have and I have been writing a lot for work so I don't think my writing skills will have degraded that much.

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The Bravest Souls are Those With the Most to Fear (A Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover) · 8:11pm Oct 17th, 2015

New Story incoming! Because we need new stories about this game that Lauren Faust herself has worked on and even saved.

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Looking for an editor and a sneek preview. · 11:58pm Oct 6th, 2015


For those of you who don't know Them’s Fightin' Herds is the spiritual successor to Fighting is Magic. There is some interesting lore that they are making for the game and I was inspired to make a crossover. I only need an editor for the first chapter right now and it sits at around 5.4k. The thing I need most is a technical editor.

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Review of Equestria Girls and Why It Doesn't Disapoint Our Disapointment. · 11:13am Oct 4th, 2015

I like Equestria Girls. Rainbow Rock's was awesome, and the first movie was okay. The last movie, however, wasn't very good. And I think I know why.

First a mini review of Friendship Games:

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MEGA UPDATE 199 Subscribers, School for New Writers Monthy Q/A Is Up, New Most Popular Story, A Realization about My Writing, a New Story, royalty for a Day, and T the Tiniest Troll. · 10:48pm Oct 1st, 2015

Hey All,

Long time no see: If it seems like it's been a long time no see that's cause it kind of has been. I haven't been away, I've just been busy. My work actually has me doing the job I was promoted for (in addition to my old job for one more week) and I've edited two fics for others this past week.

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