• Member Since 16th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th



  • Registered: Mar 16th, 2015

Stories ( 50 )

Top Stories

  • EThe Faces we Share
    Rainbow Dash gets a new mask from Applejack. It's ugly, but she wants to scare some ponies with it. However, there seems to be more to the mask than she knows.
    Waxworks · 7.1k words  ·  91  0 · 3.3k views
  • TPassages
    Mayor Mare finds a door in Town Hall that is unaccounted for. In her efforts to find out where it leads, she finds something she didn't want.
    Waxworks · 7.1k words  ·  84  0 · 2.3k views
  • TOil-painted Life
    Fluttershy buys a new painting for her home. It's a cute little country scene, and it fascinates her and fills her with longing for an idyllic life. But there's more to it than she can see at first glance.
    Waxworks · 9.1k words  ·  103  1 · 2.8k views
  • TThe House Remembered
    She'd lived in the house for a long time. Longer than she could remember. It was old, and it was rotting from the inside out. She was the only one living there, but one day, she meets an injured pony who ruins her idyllic existence.
    Waxworks · 21k words  ·  65  0 · 962 views