• Member Since 6th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Krovgor Warhawk

I survived the Warped Void


Wish I had better news. · 10:49pm Oct 16th, 2018

Lately it seems all I do here is just tell you all the things are going wrong with my life. I do apologize for that but it's just the way it is for me it seems.

Anyway you guys remember me saying how I finally got the job at the post office that I wanted for so long only for it to turn into a death march of 12 hour shifts for me? Well guess what? I've been let go. Yep. you read right.

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Info dump/Rant · 10:48pm Oct 4th, 2018

I don't know how long it's been, I could look it up but fuck it I'm tired.

I've barely made any progress on my story, so sorry about that. last couple of weeks have sucked.

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Long overdue update · 6:54pm Aug 14th, 2018

My God, how long has it been? Six weeks I guess?

Well lets address the obvious first. I have changed my name to Krovgor, It takes the Russian word for blood, (Krov), and was modified into a name. This is what happens when you watch a lot of Warcraft and Warhammer videos on Orcs, or Orks from 40K. As for the why, I just felt that a change was needed and the fact that the people from my roleplay group can't remember my old name or find it impressive, I felt that this would be better.

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Report Krovgor Warhawk · 289 views ·

State of things. · 8:08pm Jul 2nd, 2018

Hello people, Fennyo here.

First off, yes I am working on the next chapter of my story. Still amazes me that people read it and actually like. Guess I did something right.

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This week. · 9:42pm Jun 30th, 2018

Fuck. This. Week. Like seriously, fuck it from every orifice without lube. Sorry for the crude opening but this week just sucked.

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It is done. · 12:23am Jun 18th, 2018

I have finally moved to my new apartment. What a freaking ordeal I'm glad is done. My new place is awesome and has a laundry room right in the room with me and my roomie. When things get more settled you can expect me to work on my story again. This is gonna be one hell of a journey.

Report Krovgor Warhawk · 215 views ·

Start of something new · 8:21pm Jun 6th, 2018

Hey guys, been awhile since my last post.

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Report Krovgor Warhawk · 232 views ·

Current events · 8:49pm May 28th, 2018

Sup guys, Fennyo's here. Just giving you a weekly update.

First off, hope you all are having a great Memorial Day, three day weekends are always awesome.

Still haven't written anything yet, I know, I know I'm sorry. Writing is hard for me with my active imagination.

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Some good news for a change · 8:13pm May 20th, 2018

That's right, I'm writing a positive blog post for a change, and no cats and dogs are not raining down. At least not where I'm living.

Well, you remember me bitching about hunting for apartments? Well, I finally found one; and a good one to boot. It's got descent square feet, kitchen with appliances, it evens has a washer and dryer in the unit! I should be able to move into it sometime in the beginning of June. Finally I can put this stupid hunt behind me.

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Report Krovgor Warhawk · 217 views ·

Mother F***** · 11:31pm May 12th, 2018

You know what sucks; that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you believe in yourself, you still fail in the end.

That's just what happened to me today. See, I just retook the postal exam 473 in an attempt to raise my 73.90 score to at least 80. I did solo practice tests where I scored 91 and 85, and I thought that finally I would be able to get out of making chump change. Instead, I got a 73.40.

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Report Krovgor Warhawk · 223 views ·