• Member Since 15th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen May 29th, 2020

Blonde Blue Eyes

I am an avid gamer, writer, editor, reviewer, and critic. I critique/edit stories asked of me. I do not care for "direct" rape stories so please do not ask me to edit or review such.

Search Statistics

Found 2 stories in 11ms

Total Words: 11,612
Estimated Reading: 46 minutes


This story is a sequel to The return of Gabby Gums.

The impostor Gabby Gums has been stopped; however something even worse has happened. During their personal attempts to convince a pony named Jake to stop the stories, a tragic accident occurred. Applebloom ended up in a coma. Her friends feel obligated to save her and Zecora is more than willing to help.

Coverart is not my own and I do not claim it. You may find yourself confused if you skip the prequel story, or you may not. I recommend reading it first however.

Chapters (2)

Many ponies are furious that their names are appearing in the Manehattan newspaper in new embarrassing ways. The hurting of pony's feelings is re-commenced; however this time around it was not the Cutie Mark Crusaders and they intend to prove it.

Coverart is not mine and I do not claim it.

Chapters (5)