My boner is so fucking hard right now · 8:57pm May 15th, 2015
Snitches be snitchin, bitches be bitchin, snitches in stitches, bitches in ditches
Well, it looks like the sloppy assburgers mess of a story I recently wrote in an attempt to stimulate my will to write again was decent enough to reach the feature box. Whoopee.
Bad news is my hard drive went pepsi shortly afterwards, and the backup disks I've ordered won't arrive until monday at least, so don't expect any updates quite yet. Especially since I'm going to reinstall EVE Online and Space Engineers as soon as I can fix it. Those games are dangerously addictive.
I know some of you are screaming their lungs apart for me to write a new chapter. I know it's been months of silence from my part, but to be frank, I have legitimate reasons to.
On another note, I just have two, maybe three exams left before I can pick up writing again. I'm still planning the next chapter for Deus Ex: Equestria whenever I have some free time.
Have some Sabaton in the meantime (swedish version of course, no filthy english-speaking peasants here)
Also today I learned that Stjoby u nego chuj na lbu vyros means "may a cock grow out of his forehead" in russian.
New school reforms in Sweden have decided that apparently, students in high school should be graded on a year-by-year basis instead of having a massive preparatory final year. Basically, this means we have to write finals every year. Don't you just love the swedish schooling system?