• Member Since 24th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


Metal music, guitars, and model electric trains. Rainbow Dash is best pony!


New Story I'm Uploading · 3:07am Mar 7th, 2015

Whats going on Everypony? How are my headbangers doing tonight? So here's a thing. I'm gonna be reading a story called "Sweat." by "Equestria Buck Yeah." It's a story that features Rarity, and a human boy. So yeah. That video will be uploaded either tomorrow, or on Sunday. I'm not sure. So keep an eye out when it gets uploaded.

P.S. Don't make fun of my Rarity accent when I read this story. Aight? Cool.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 193 views ·

Love This. · 1:49am Mar 2nd, 2015

Can't We have Some Great music In Our Lives?

Report Brony_Headbanger · 150 views ·

I Finally Did It! · 10:40pm Feb 26th, 2015

Well guys. I finally have this video uploaded. It took me two whole days to read and edit this. (From Feb 24 - Feb 26)

I hope you guys will enjoy it, and I hope I didn't suck at doing this cause it's my very first time doing this. So yeah, here it is everypony.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 225 views ·

What I Do During My Snow Days From School. · 2:33am Feb 26th, 2015

Hey everypony. Since that I was in a winter storm warning. This is what me and my friend did at my place. Yeah, we're both insane as hell. But we did had fun doing it.

And yes, if you all asked. I'm still working on the FIMFiction reading thing with Fluttershy. That's gonna be uploaded hopefully tonight. So yeah. Here's my second YouTube video. Now you all will see what I really look like.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 125 views ·

FIMFiction Reading for YouTube. · 4:00am Feb 22nd, 2015

Hey guys. I was thinking about doing a FIMFiction reading to YouTube. And I was wondering if I can have some tips on doing that. Any help?

Thanks. :twilightsmile:

And since that I only have a turtle beach headset for my PS3, that's usually all I have. So yeah.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 152 views ·

Story Idea (ShadowBolts) · 4:05am Feb 21st, 2015

Sup everypony? How are my headbangers doing? I ope you all have a nice weekend since that I'm now in a winter storm warning. I do have a story idea that's been with me for a long ass time now.

"Ehem." What if the human Anon is with The Real Shadowbolts.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 217 views ·

Song for Valentines Day · 5:03am Feb 15th, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day everypony. I know the perfect song for that.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 211 views ·

Sunset Shimmer With Band Merch · 5:14am Feb 12th, 2015

Hey guys. Another blog in like what, ten minutes? I was also wondering how do I make my own profile picture of, Sunset Shimmer wearing a band merch. I would like to have her wearing an "As I Lay Dying." T-Shirt.

Because, Sunset Shimmer's awesome... and hot as fuck. And I like "As I Lay Dying."

Pleas help? :fluttercry:

Report Brony_Headbanger · 155 views ·

Equestria Girls Question · 4:47am Feb 12th, 2015

Sup guys. This question I'm about to ask involves Equestria Girls, and a story I'm working on.

In the Equestria Girls world, is it America, or Equestria? That always gets me confused, and I haven't seen Equestria girls since October.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 232 views ·

Time On a Story. · 2:48am Feb 10th, 2015

Okay, does anypony know how do I slow down on my stories? It's really hard to do that when I'm writing one, and sometimes my stories turn out to be shit. Can anypony help please? I really need some advice.

Thanks. :fluttercry:

Report Brony_Headbanger · 186 views ·