• Member Since 7th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2014


Silvy's back, and he's better than ever! I decided that I needed a fresh start, so I made a new account! Hope you enjoy my latest story!


Silver Moon's Ballad · 7:13pm Nov 19th, 2014

So, I wrote a song, telling a VERY beautiful girl how i feel, and i need to know what you people think of it before i sing it to her. (High school is just very tense, and I don't want to screw up, especially as a Freshman.)

Here goes...

Song: Curse Of Affection
By: Maintain Your Insanity (my group)
On: Heartsong (my album)

I'm looking at you through the glass,
Don't know how much time has passed.
Oh, god it feels like forever,
No one ever tells you that forever feels like home,

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Hey again, Everypony! If you happened to dislike the first chapter of "When The Twilight Fades" due to spelling errors, please reconsider your dislike. I have recently updated the story by removing all the spelling errors that I noticed within the story. if you happen to notice any other spelling errors, please notify me, ASAP. if it happened to be another reason that you disliked my story, please tell me what it was about the story that you didn't like, and i promise that i will make it all better. (But give me some time, alright?) Thank you.


SilverMoon09 :rainbowdetermined2:

P.S. I am currently using a tablet to write my story, so If you see that I am missing any spaces, or a space has been replaced with an m or an n, please let me know so I can fix it.

first first yay to firsts that calls for to boops *boop* *boop* :derpytongue2::derpytongue2:

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