• Member Since 14th Sep, 2014
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Rescue Sunstreak

Rescue Sunstreak at your service.


New art of Rescue! · 2:00pm Feb 7th, 2018

With a massive thank you to Turnipberry, I bring you... The chief, looking for the cause of a house fire.


Next Chapter in Ranger · 7:21pm Feb 6th, 2018


Yea started the chapter, and, this is the one where AJ and Shane will cross the line they have not crossed before. It is starting to shape up like a huge chapter, I want it to feel and read as special as the moment should be. So i find myself drawing on 25+ years of RP skills, online RP/TS on various mucks and SL...all of it.

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Report Rescue Sunstreak · 208 views ·

Chapter 43 turned into Editor, but......warning. · 3:49pm Jan 22nd, 2018

I am pre-warning folks. Chapter 43 of Ranger delves into a pretty dark subject matter. With that in mind I wrote it so it could be skipped and you won't miss out on any clues/information for the main story arc.

I will be issuing a warning and letting folks know they can skip it, in the authors forward/comment box at the top.

Report Rescue Sunstreak · 263 views ·

Ranger, Apologies from the writer · 6:49pm Dec 19th, 2017

Hey all,

I owe you all an apologies, I had wanted to get the heartswarming chapter done BEFORE xmas. However due to life, and running short of time I am just not going to make the deadline. I am now hoping to have it out before new years, I just submitted chapter 40 to my guest editor so, we will see.

Again I am really sorry for not making the deadline.

Report Rescue Sunstreak · 222 views · #Sad Pony

Ranger, Story direction question and views · 6:21pm Dec 11th, 2017

Hey all,

Ok, I have a serious question and I want open and serious answers here.

Things are progressing with Shane and Applejack, and yes I they will likely 'get together' at some point. The question is, as my readers would you rather...

1)See some/most the "action" in the main story done in a chapter marked "skip if you want" so you don't have to read it.

2)See the action taken to a side story (like I did with PVFD) so it could be skipped over or looked at as you wanted.

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Report Rescue Sunstreak · 385 views · #Poll #Mature

Need temp editor!!! badly!!! · 7:44pm Nov 28th, 2017

Hey all,

My regular editor Thunderblast is a rock star, but RL comes before editing my chicken scratching. So I am in search of someone who wants to do a bit of editing as a "backup" for times like now when he is busy with school and work....HELP! any takers?

Report Rescue Sunstreak · 306 views · #Editor

A sad day.... · 8:56pm Sep 28th, 2017

Today, Hiromi Hayakawa The voice of Sonata Dusk passed on in child birth, along with her baby.

Rest in peace ma'am, you will forever be part of the herd. We will remember Taco Tuesday for you.

:applecry: :pinkiesad2: :fluttershysad: :raritycry:

Report Rescue Sunstreak · 224 views ·

New art of Rescue · 2:13am Aug 17th, 2017


My first Featured! · 2:26am Jun 28th, 2017

I just got my first featured story....Ranger.

Ranger started out as a humble little idea in my head that kept digging at me and nagging to be put to type. So one day after I finished the first book of PVFD, I did. ... and it, I just don't have words. :pinkiegasp:

Report Rescue Sunstreak · 218 views ·

PVFDverse group created · 1:22am May 26th, 2017

I created a group to keep the stories together and much easier to find. there is also a section for people who want to add in other stories about fireponies, policeponies, or other first responders.
