• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 8th, 2014



The first chapter of the new rewrite is up! · 5:11am May 27th, 2013


Well nevermind to that. · 1:43am May 27th, 2013

Just gonna edit the old story because posting a re-write is against the rules.

Oh well.

Report Sulliman · 367 views ·

Deleting Behind Blue Eyes · 1:24am May 27th, 2013

Because I'm going to resubmit it as a new story. I want the new version to garner popularity on it's own merits, and I have the first chapter written out. It's around 2000 words long and I've already outlined the next few chapters. Once past the introductory stages the story will take a very slice of life style, so little stories each chapter with story arcs occasionally. There will be an overarching plot that will be built slowly through different parts and smaller story arcs. Hopefully you

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So uh...I might be writing again. · 4:04am May 12th, 2013

Lately it's been hard for me to write between finding motivation and doing school work. It's been quite a while since I ever actually sat down and wrote anything. I might be getting back into the groove of it though, so that's awesome. I just got the first chapter of the newest rewrite done. I'm gonna get at least a few more done before I post anything, since I want to do a weekly update if possible. (not straining myself on daily updates like the first time round) I'm also gonna finish up this

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I had a sad, now I has a happy · 12:38am Feb 15th, 2013

Why? Well, if any of you go on tumblr you might know of the Ask-Princess-Molestia blog. Recently the blog had a contest for Valentine's day. Now, I'm not the kind of person who enjoys this holiday, but I still decided to enter the contest. The rules were that we had to send in a saying for a candy heart that we thought the character Princess Molestia might say. After that we would choose an outfit for Molestia to wear in the post.

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Perhaps I was a bit hasty. · 1:40pm Feb 1st, 2013

Because now that I told myself to cancel it, I find myself drawn back to my story. Deep Six had a good suggestion of taking a break. I've rewritten the next chapter four times, perhaps it's time I took a break. When I come back to it, I'm tginking of starting another rewrite. I don't really like where I took the current version, and I want to make the story mor lighthearted like the first version.

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Very Important, please read. · 6:04am Jan 31st, 2013

Guys, I'm sorry but I think I'm done trying to write Behind Blue Eyes. I'm just, well tired of the story. I've lost almost all of my motivation and drive to write it and even after a rewrite its still shit. It's a chore for me to open the document and type, and I hate leaving people waiting and wanting for more.

Maybe I'll come back to it one day, but probably not. I'll still be writing, though not extremely frequently. I'm sorry to all those who's hopes I got up of a new chapter.

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Okay, so! · 2:55am Dec 10th, 2012

I'm sorta planning out my writing for the next month, since I think I'm gonna be productive. I'm gonna get these two collars done, then I'll finish up and post a one shot I started back in June. After that I should get another chapter out then possibly work on another collab.

Just wanted to let you guys know.

Report Sulliman · 293 views ·

This a pleasant surprise. · 1:10am Dec 10th, 2012

So if you aren't already familiar with Drefsab, the author of Sophistication and Betrayal, he's having a contest right now. I know I need to get the new chapter out, but for the next two weeks I'll be working on two collab stories with my friend Henry Anthony Courtler so we can try to win the contest. Wish us luck!~

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Starting on the next chapter · 12:34am Nov 28th, 2012

With Thanksgiving the past week, I hadn't had a chance to really start writing. Well, that changes tonight. I'm gonna type for possibly an hour. If I can finish one chapter I might make a second, or just combine them. See you guys soon.

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