• Member Since 19th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 1st, 2020


Uhhh, sarge? I think I'm nekkid. (patreon)


Real talk from the wife. · 1:44am Jun 11th, 2019

I think we need real talk for a minute about mlp fim. I've been super disappointed in the crystal ponies. Also straight up where are my sparkle ponies. Like the ponies that are basically crystal ponies full of glitter. As a child of the 80s I have certain expectations around my crystal ponies and the current gen has let me down storywise and with merch.

So this is my life.

Report Hap · 538 views · #crystal ponies

Went to work today... · 7:53pm Aug 2nd, 2018

School doesn't start until the 20th, yet I have to show up to work. Not even any other faculty here yet.

So, I figured I'd write some horsewords.

Unfortunately, I spent all day actually working, and now I just feel unproductive.


Report Hap · 411 views ·

Coq au vin (aka, another episode of Hap cooks drunk) · 2:51am Jul 24th, 2018

Those of you who have bad enough judgment to associate with me on discord will probably recall many picture spams of foodstuffs in various states of completion. I post recipes. Some of you have even been brave enough to make them!

Well, this is night 16 of broken cooktop. Our gas range is sadly out of commission. This means no boiling, no frying, no toasting. We're down to oven, microwave, crock pot, and pressure cooker.

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Report Hap · 428 views · #cooking

Going to BronyCon. Who to hang out with? · 1:39pm Jul 21st, 2018

Are you going to be at BronyCon?

I've not planned for this at all. My summer has just been too busy. So, I'm going to let you all do some planning!

Who's going, and when are we hanging out?

Report Hap · 408 views · #bronycon

Not asking for help. · 4:33pm Jun 24th, 2018

I don't have medical expenses. I have a car that'll get me to work. I'm not in danger of running out of food (potatoes, yes, but that's only because she eats them).

Yet, I present to you a patreon link.

'Bert said, "I don't expect anybody to give us money, but if they want to, we should make it possible."

So I asked, "Why would anybody give us money?"

She shrugged. "People make poor decisions all the time."

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Report Hap · 469 views · #patreon

Now, with more math! · 11:36pm Jun 9th, 2018

I've updated Twilight Sparkle Gives a Vector Mechanics Lecture to include the new math formatting!

I'm sure you're all very excited.

Report Hap · 354 views · #LaTeX

Making a Fallout-themed escape room: ideas needed! · 5:43am May 2nd, 2018

I got voluntold that I'm putting together a summer camp type of event through my college, for local high school students and/or their families.

I proposed a Fallout themed escape room, with math/physics based puzzles. Because apparently I'm in charge of all the math and science departments.

I've never made an escape room before, and I've barely escaped from one. So, those of you who are fans of escape rooms and/or Fallout, please give me some ideas!

Thanks in advance!

Report Hap · 361 views · #fallout #escape room

Что это? · 11:57pm Nov 20th, 2017

Report Hap · 538 views · #background pony

There's something magical about driving the back roads at night. · 3:23am Nov 20th, 2017

Out in the sticks, Missouri roads get twisty-curvey on the hills. Like a roller coaster without the rails. One of my favorite things to do is drive those back roads at night, through the thickest woods, miles from the nearest source of light.

It's a pure blackness. Those back roads aren't very wide, and the canopies stretch over to meet in the middle. No moon. No stars.

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The Pony Movie · 5:22pm Oct 14th, 2017

I don't suspect I'll have anything new or interesting to say about it, but I've been out of the loop for a week or two, and now my feed is full of spoilery movie blogs which I ignored because I hadn't seen the movie. But now I've seen the movie, and now you can all ignore my blog right back because it's old news now.


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Report Hap · 470 views · #movie