• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2021

Paradox Theory

You cannot just expect happiness, you have to create it. ~A great many people.


Pony Theories: Episode 2: Alicorn Sunset Shimmer · 11:10pm Dec 16th, 2016

Okay, what theory am I gonna debunk today?

Oh dear god. . .not this one. . .

*sighs* okay. Let's do this.

First we should get the main points of this theory written out before I go and try to debunk it.

First point that's made with this theory is. . .well put simply "LOOK! SHE HAS WINGS! SHE'S GOT TO BE A PRINCESS!"

Is that seriously your first thought? REALLY?

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So, I kinda want to make the pony theories thing a thing I do here from time to time. . . · 10:54am Dec 16th, 2016

So, if you have ideas you want me to theorize about or theories you want me to debunk, let me know in the comments!

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So, someone online has a theory about me. . . · 11:51pm Dec 14th, 2016

I won't say who though. . .

But I think she's trying to figure out just how much I like her.

Asking questions about the ship me and her are in, if I would do almost anything for her ect. . .

What else could she be trying to find out?

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A pony Theory? · 7:47am Dec 14th, 2016

Hello Everypony, my name is Paradox Theory, and today I wanted to talk about a certian overlooked item from the season 6 finale. Chrysalis's throne. So, looking at it, there's not much here. Except one thing: It's ability to absorb magic. And I for one want to know why that is.

Now, to answer why it can absorb magic, we need to know two things:

How it came to exist.

and how the Changelings seem immune to it.

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New story idea? · 10:24am Dec 10th, 2016

After Chrysalis was run out of the changeling hive and the remains of her throne tossed away, peace once again fell around Equestria.

However, that peace wouldn't last long, for a vindictive unicorn was scouring the "Badlands" as ponies called it. He looked frantically for something, until finally he found it. A large black stone. The last piece of the throne.

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So, I need a proofreader. . .anyone want to help me out? · 8:17pm Dec 8th, 2016

I have a new story waiting in the wings, the first chapter is done, and I plan on making the second chapter after I submit the fic.

Thing is, I want someone to read my fic first, just to make sure it's okay.

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Because Japanese anime · 9:07am Dec 6th, 2016

Kinzie sighed as she aimed at her former commander, the moon glinting off of her sniper.

Of course, she knew she would die today. She was the last member of the team. He had hunted down everyone. Cassandra the sword specialist, Kaleb the martial artist, Tobais the heavy, and Iris the medic.

Kinzie broke the silence with her small voice, "You're still wrong. None of us hurt her Boone. You're the murderer."

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Glitch in Pokemon Black/White 2? · 1:53am Dec 5th, 2016

Okay, so some backstory. . .

I was stuck in Nimbasa city for almost an entire year due to how much I played the game, and how many pokemon weren't high enough in level to beat the Gym trainer.

It was only by sheer luck I beat the Gym Leader after losing five pokemon I had to them. My sixth pokemon was only a level 21 (to put that in perspective, the Leader had one level 31, and two level 28 pokemon.) and I finally won.

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Important update blog · 4:53pm Nov 25th, 2016

First, because I had forgot about it, the 22nd of November was my three year fimversary

Second is that today is my 22nd birthday.

I'm sorry for not being as active as I used to be. Between the hullabaloo earlier this year and the loss of my ability to write more then a chapter for each story, I just sort of went silent here for the most part.

As far as my stories go, I will be finishing Malum's story before the end of the year, I swear it.

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Upcoming story on my mind · 12:07pm Nov 19th, 2016

I'm not sure why, but this is what I'm gonna be writing about:

A young stallion named Rune Scry meets and befriends a little filly called Ginger Root. The two bond a little before the orphanage comes to collect her. Rune realizes that he wants to keep Ginger and the following story revolves around the struggle of Rune trying to secure custody of Ginger, dealing with Ginger's unusual and unstable powers, and a few other things.

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