• Member Since 12th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen June 9th

Noble Thought

I sometimes pretend I have a posting schedule other than "sometime soon."


Personal life disruption · 11:37pm Mar 29th, 2022

Hey, everyone. I felt I owed you all an explanation for why it's now two weeks past the last scheduled update for Primrose War.

So, I've had a bit of a personal upheaval. I'm moving forward with building a house, not immediately, but there's been a lot of talking with friends and family about what it'll mean going forward. So that's one thing.

I'm also getting into better shape, and that's great and another thing.

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Unexpected Hiatus · 2:13pm Dec 13th, 2021

Hello everyone. I wanted to apologize for the lengthy, unexpected hiatus of The Primrose War. It was definitely unplanned, and this time I haven't been writing. Work, leading up to the holidays, has been more stressful than usual with the rush to get things done before I take my two week end-of-year vacation.

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Next chapter delayed · 7:16pm Nov 3rd, 2021

Hello everyone! I apologize, but the next chapter of Primrose War will be delayed by a bit. Between work and a few novel releases that I've been looking forward to, I haven't made as much progress as I wanted to on the next chapter. I do have a solid outline, though, for the rest of the book as well as part of the next, so I haven't been idle.

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Update: The Primrose War coming back in 7 days · 11:07pm Aug 20th, 2021

Good afternoon, morning, or whatever time it is for all of you lovely people.

First of all, we're coming back on August 27th, one week from today. Hooray!

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Report Noble Thought · 290 views · #Update

Pre-Book 3 Hiatus (Don't panic!) · 12:32am Jul 13th, 2021

Good evening everyone!

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One Year Anniversary of The Primrose War · 5:32pm Jun 10th, 2021

Four days late, I know, but I've managed an entire year of posting weekly without slipping up and missing a week. The day of posting has changed a little over time, but good grief.

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New story in the Merriedamme Universe · 2:11am Mar 25th, 2021

Today, the story that Carapace has been writing in tandem with me has been published. We've been brainstorming for two years for both of our stories, and while we've each written our own stories, I think it's safe to say that these stories are a joint project.

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Surprise! New story in the Merriedamme Universe · 8:15pm Mar 4th, 2021

Now, this was a bit of a surprise to me. I found out that my editor and long-time friend, Minds Eye had been working on this while I was still writing new material and editing old material.

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Nemo, 2004 - 2021 · 9:27pm Jan 27th, 2021

I am heartbroken to say that my beloved friend, Nemo has passed away this morning, peacefully after a three month struggle with cancer.

We didn't know it was cancer until today when they got an ultrasound and x-ray on him. We thought he had an infection, but then he crossed a tipping point after slowly declining over the course of months. I saw it but I was in denial. I counted little things as victories while he continued a slow decline. Today, he couldn't stand up.

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Brief panic averted · 5:46am Jan 7th, 2021

Last week, I published the second to last of my buffer for The Primrose War. Oh boy did that ever set a fire under my ass to get moving and finishing the plans I'd had. Three whole new chapters in the last week (Hooray for holidays!) and after that, I return to what I had prewritten for my second draft (before I realized that I had a ton of stuff left out).

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