• Member Since 19th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen July 12th

Kamen rider yokai

Part of the displaced group. Likes adventure, machines and foxes with cats. Dragon fan and part of toa coy's writer group.


Contest for a glitch in Equestria series · 1:10am Jun 1st, 2022

Okay as I mentioned to a couple of my readers of a glitch in Equestria I decided to make a little contest. Mainly as incentive for people to guess at part of my story for those that like it.

First five to guess what I meant about Malhare being able to escape the game will get a animatronic of their design put into the series when I get to that point. I'm about to go over the rules.

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Report Kamen rider yokai · 449 views · #Contest

so im looking for a fic · 3:52am Nov 13th, 2020

as the title says im looking for a fic. all i remember of it was that twilight and friends go to canterlot only for twilight to get killed and after waking up in a strange room goes through a kind of time loop of the day she died trying to avoid her death and catch her killer. all i also remember was it being based on a video game so yeah any help would be appreciated.

Report Kamen rider yokai · 244 views ·

Escape room challenge! · 10:59pm Sep 1st, 2020


Thats right bronies and pegasisters! I'm starting a challenge and for it I'm going to start a group dedicated to escape room stories. I want it to be a shared universe for the stories so let me tell you the rules of this challenge.

1st rule: the escape room can only have a minimum of six puzzles, maximum is eight per room.

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Ganbarizing Rewrite! · 8:14pm Dec 13th, 2016

That's right folks I'm rewriting ganbarizing as I kinda realized I didn't have a exact path for the story and with the permission of a certain fan comic author I'm placing my Ganbaride character in a slightly different setting. So bear with me on this.

Changes I made are: different character for the main character, new cast for the story, and minor differences for events.

So enjoy the newly revamped ganbarizing now renamed the same as the comic crazy future.

Report Kamen rider yokai · 481 views ·

fire emblem on deviant art · 9:14pm Nov 18th, 2015

okay so someone on deviant is making a fire emblem play-through and as i was the first to get interested they asked me to spread it around and who better then doing a blog from my various accounts that actually has a blog. im going to leave the link to the post itself here.fire emblem

hope to see what you guys can come up with!

Report Kamen rider yokai · 470 views ·

Ghost clips! · 12:18am Oct 4th, 2015

Well I just checked Jefusion and we finally get a full transformation clip for kamen rider ghost. I immediately saw a kingdom hearts reference alongside a faiz reference in the transformation. The faiz reference was that like faiz a design appears then a flash creating the suit but the kingdom hearts reference was that pre-damashii form resembles vanitas in full costume quite a lot. Now that I have what the full transformation looks like I can start making stories for it. And now that I know

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Kamen rider mach's new form · 4:19am Sep 14th, 2015

Well I just saw episode 46 raw on YouTube for Kamen rider drive and man shit is hitting the fan. Gou used the shift chaser signal bike to enter what I'm calling mach chaser form and really gave banno a curb stomp. I actually saw chase's three viral cores he got from heart help gou in getting the upper hand. I think shift chaser actually absorbed the viral cores there. Then sigma became active and started banno's plan after gou managed to be rid of banno for good acknowledging that the farther

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Report Kamen rider yokai · 346 views ·

Pixels · 9:00am Jul 14th, 2015

Okay I just heard about the new movie coming out soon called pixels. Looks interesting I guess and it caught my interest. But what I'm surprised about is that it's using retro games which gives me some ideas about a future fictional group that might be fun to see here. A group of mlp fics with elements of pixels added in. I mean we got fics where game elements are thrown in. Why not kick it up a notch. So here's my proposal for this. We each start writing pixels stories and see what happens.

Report Kamen rider yokai · 317 views ·

Kamen ride drive update · 6:47am Jun 28th, 2015

Okay I just watched the clips to episode 35 and looks like medic is also redeemable if the short fight she had with brain was any indication. Anyone else noted her human form resembles kiriko? Things semester to be heating up as friction entered the roimude camp.

Report Kamen rider yokai · 253 views ·

warframe and how I'm thinking on making a displaced fiction of the series · 2:25am May 31st, 2015

Okay recently I got into the game warframe and got to thinking about the displaced universe as a whole. Usually there is a group of at least four to seven people that get sent to equestria. I'm about to get the largest group of the displaced in a equestria. That's right one of each warframe is going to be sent to a equestria but this is going to be huge so I want this to be a collab of other authors to help me keep track. If your interested in helping me out I'm going to make a thread on the

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